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    7 Ways On How To Deal With Angry Outbursts

    Have you ever felt angry, and then suddenly, that anger turns to rage?

    Well, these are angry outbursts. It’s very normal to have outbursts when angry because it’s a way of expressing discomfort. All people are different, and they express their emotions in different ways. Many people express their anger more intensely.

    The only thing is how to deal with angry outbursts.

    Anger is a strong emotion, and it takes seconds for it to consume you and control you. If your anger controls you, it can have a negative impact on your life. Being consumed by your anger continuously will affect your work, productivity, family and friends relationships, and mental and physical health. 

    So how can you control it?

    The first step that you can take is to understand your anger and its source. Give yourself time to analyze your actions. Acknowledgment and acceptance is the vital thing that you need to do to control something. 

    But first, let’s understand what anger means. 

    What Is Anger?

    Whenever you experience any kind of discomfort, you may feel angry or frustrated. Anger is normal, and sometimes a positive emotion one might show to express their feelings.

    Whenever something wrong is done against you, it’s okay to show anger as it expresses what you need. Anger is an essential emotion for survival. 

    Anger is an emotion that stimulates our brain with the ‘fight and flight reaction to protect us from any bad situation.

    There are two phases of anger; one is healthy, and the other not healthy and destructive. If you are expressing healthy anger, it’s normal, and there’s nothing to worry about. But if you feel that your anger is coming out in a destructive manner or as something that might hurt you and your well-being, then you should start learning ways how to manage angry outbursts.  

    Angry outbursts vary for different people. Some might shout or cry out loud, while others might throw things, get into fights, or sometimes hurt themselves. These feelings are normal; one only needs to learn how to deal with angry outbursts. Before that, let’s understand angry outbursts and what are the reasons for such outbursts.

    What Are Angry Outbursts?

    Angry outbursts are sudden, repetitive impulsive, and aggressive behavior that sometimes gets violent and is grossly out of proportionate. 

    Sometimes this can also be called Intermittent Explosive disorder, where one can not even realize they are projecting violent behavior. It may last for 30 minutes or more. It may seem that they are doing nothing harmful. In such a case, immediate doctor consultation is required. 

    Managing anger outbursts can be challenging. The normal coping mechanisms might seem ineffective. But it’s treatable. Understanding them and their reasons is the first step one can take to learn how to deal with angry outbursts. 

    What are the reasons for angry outbursts?

    There can be various reasons that might lead to angry outbursts. Some of the reasons include the following;

    1. Childhood Trauma

    Somebody when somebody has undergone childhood trauma, there’s a chance they might express the repressed anger in the form of angry outbursts. 

    Due to all the emotions bottled up over the years, people might find it difficult to express their feelings calmly. This repressed anger comes out as aggressive outbursts in their later lives. 

    2. Mental Issues 

    There are many different mental issues like personality disorders, post-traumatic disordersADHD, etc., that can be a factor that can lead to angry outbursts.

    Different health institutions can detect any kind of disorder, and taking the help of professionals, one can get it treated by following the plan given to them.

    3. Past Experiences 

    There can be many past experiences that can lead to angry outbursts. People with traumatic or bad past experiences could find difficulty in managing anger outbursts. 

    Bad relationships with friends or family are traumatic events that can lead to anger issues. 

    How do angry outbursts affect mental health

    Angry outbursts at the beginning might not seem harmful, but gradually, it starts getting out of control. Sudden rages repetitively happen in unwanted situations and get out of control.

    These angry outbursts can affect our mental health to a great extent. It can lead to depression and anxiety. These outbursts can reduce productivity and also cause sleeping issues. All these things lead to bad mental health. Bad mental health can affect the day-to-day activity of a person.

    It is essential to regulate your anger to lead a happy and satisfied life. 

    How to deal with angry outbursts?

    How to deal with angry outbursts

    It is essential to deal with the issues of angry outbursts by learning how to cope with them. Various professionals and institutions can help us through this with a proper plan and medications. Apart from that, there are different o ways on how to deal with angry outbursts. 

    1. Don’t stop taking your treatment

    It is vital to stick to your plan. Go according to your doctor and take all the medication that has been prescribed.

    Don’t skip any medication, and be consistent. It can sometimes get difficult to take your medications but keep motivating yourself by reminding yourself that these medications will help you have better mental health and a better life. 

    You can also opt for therapy for managing outbursts of anger. These professional therapists or healthcare providers will help create a proper plan for your medications and help you in your journey. 

    2. Practice Relaxation Techniques

    Different techniques, like deep breathing, muscle relaxation, exercise, mental health games, etc., help in managing outbursts of anger. You can try yoga and meditation for a calm mind. 

    These techniques will hardly take 10 to 15 minutes of your day. So, take some time out for yourself and practice relaxation techniques for better mental health

    3. Reframe your thoughts

    Shifting your negative thoughts towards a positive approach is an essential thing that you need to do. Taking a break from negative thoughts will help you better understand your thoughts, and you can control your anger appropriately. 

    Start thinking about reasonable and logical scenarios rather than jumping to conclusions. 

    4. Use the problem-solving approach

    Our brains might get frustrated and irritated if we constantly think about the problem without going in for any solution. 

    Adopting a problem-solving attitude is a great way of managing anger outbursts. You can calm yourself down after finding a solution to anything bothering you.

    5. Improve your communication

    It’s normal not to listen to people when you are angry, and it becomes difficult to control your emotions. But sometimes, it is the first thing you need to do. If you don’t know that you are having an outburst and someone is trying to tell you or make you calm down, try listening to them. 

    It’s hard, but it is possible. Try to calm your senses and listen to the person helping you. This will enable you to calm down instantly.

    Also, before engaging in any fight, be it verbal or physical, try to understand the person first. If they are trying to say something, listen to them. If you find that they are just provoking you, don’t indulge. Just walk away. This will come with practice, and you will gradually learn ways of managing anger outbursts. Communicating with your friends and family is an effective way to deal with your anger. 

    6. Avoid your triggers

    Sometimes the best solution is to avoid the situation in the first place. If some things arise and make you angry, leave the place before things go out of hand.

    Give yourself some change in the environment to make yourself calm.

    7. Avoid Sedatives

    Other than the medication the doctor gives, avoid any mood-altering drugs or alcohol. These might give you the instant relief that you want. But a cost if your health in the long run. The side effects are the worst. They can also become an addiction and can even worsen your symptoms. 

    So keep trying healthy ways on how to deal with angry outbursts. They might take time but will be more helpful in the long run. Be patient. Believe in yourself. 


    Angry outbursts are normal; only the issue is sometimes they get out of control. It is essential to acknowledge your feelings. It helps you learn how to deal with angry outbursts. If you are angry, you must accept the fact and not repress it. Releasing repressed anger is a mandate to have healthy and satisfied mental health.

    To know more about how to release your repressed anger, click here

    The main thing is consistency. You can easily learn how to deal with angry outbursts if you keep practicing different mental health skills and checking your health whenever you get the time to feel good and stress-free. Don’t worry, it’s a slow process, but you will see a change. 

    To know more about mental health issues, subscribe to Your Mental Health Pal. 

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