People have different ways of expressing emotions. Anger is such an emotion. Some might get furious when they get angry, while some might stay calm. Understanding different types of anger can help you manage it properly.
We, humans, show various emotions in our daily life. None of the emotions are alike. Different people have different ways of expressing their emotions. Some might have a calm attitude towards stress, and some might just go by a mental breakdown when they experience stress.
Anger is a similar emotion. There are different types of anger issues expressed in different ways. Some might express it, some might repress it, or some might handle it calmly and maturely.
So let’s understand the different types of anger and how to deal with them.

13 Different Types Of Anger
So how many types of anger are there? There are many types of anger expressions; read on to know:
1. Behavioral Anger
Behavioral anger refers to the projection of uncontrolled anger by actions. One experiencing such types of anger may find themselves experiencing extreme outbursts, which may sometimes also include physical outbursts of aggression.
It is essential to work towards managing your behavioral anger. Behavioral anger can affect your relationships, both personal and professional.
Some signs of behavioral anger are, experiencing a regular state of anger, out-of-proportion anger, anger without provocation, frustration in petty situations, etc.
Mental disorders like Post Traumatic Disorder (PTSD), Personality disorder, stress and anxiety, depression, and attention deficit disorder (ADD) may also cause behavioral anger.
Behavioral anger may cause health issues like high blood pressure, increased pulse rate, etc.
Everyone displays different types of anger expressions, which is a normal human reaction. Dealing with your anger is what gives you mental peace.
To deal with behavioral anger, you can start by understanding why your anger is directed toward physical aggression. Once you get a hold of it, you can practice deep breathing exercises to calm yourself down.
You can go for a run or walk to cool yourself down. If a situation is making you angry, try stepping back to calm yourself down.
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2. Assertive Anger
When we are angry, we can’t think of anything. All the rushing emotions, stress, and frustration blur our minds, and we make rash decisions or do something wrong.
Assertive anger is a form of constructive anger. People who display assertive anger can control their anger, think rationally, and act. Assertive anger is about tackling issues directly causing the conflict and finding solutions.
Assertive anger is the middle ground of anger.
3. Chronic Anger
Chronic anger is a prolonged type of anger. A person’s feelings are dominated by anger. Chronic anger doesn’t subside with time and causes mental and physical trouble.
Chronic anger can last for months; one can feel the anger increasing throughout the day, affecting the immune system and social connections and sometimes leading to physical aggression.
4. Judgmental Anger
It is also known as righteous anger. It is the anger caused by witnessing any moral flaw in someone else. They assert this type of anger sometimes to make themselves look better.
This kind of anger comes when someone believes that they are superior to others or that their thoughts are superior to others. They think they are right and people should walk according to their beliefs. And when people don’t walk according to them, they start getting furious.
These types of anger may be displayed by someone who was mistreated for a long time by the people around them. Their thoughts of beliefs have yet to be heard. As a result, they have developed a judgemental attitude associated with anger towards people who don’t listen to them.
Though it is normal to feel furious when something right is being hampered, imposing it on someone can make people uncomfortable. This anger is not destructive but may sometimes affect relationships.
The first way to deal with these types of anger issues is to acknowledge them. If you can understand your pattern, you will easily find ways to break it. Ask people around you whether they see such a pattern in you. Have patience with yourself. Work accordingly towards the changes you want to see in yourself. Try being humble and understanding. If you notice any injustice try solving it without losing your temper.
5. Overwhelmed Anger
This kind of anger develops when one finds themselves in situations that are beyond their capabilities to handle. When one experiences extreme stress because of some unwanted events in their life or increased workload, they display this kind of anger.
Overwhelmed anger is associated with feelings of helplessness and frustration. When someone has to deal with too much responsibility than they can take, they feel helpless because they can’t overcome the obstacle and question their capabilities which makes them frustrated.
These types of anger commonly express stress and frustration when one feels that their body and mind cannot handle it. When someone has to experience a rush of emotions, especially pain, frustration, or irritation, they can get emotionally overwhelmed.
Overwhelmed anger can cause mental health issues and lower your ability to think rationally. Negative thoughts may increase, which may lead to more stress and anxiety.
Talking to someone as to why you are overwhelmed can help a lot. Try asking for help when things get out of your control. It is not easy to open up and ask for help, but it is essential.
You can use therapy to deal with overwhelmed anger. You can understand your emotions and what is causing you stress.
6. Destructive Anger
Destructive anger refers to the display of aggression toward others or oneself. Anger is a strong emotion; it is normal to get angry about something causing discomfort.
The only point to keep in check is when anger takes up all the other emotions and becomes destructive.
7. Retaliatory Anger
We get easily angry with people who we are close to. Their actions and words affect us more than anything else. Sometimes we end up saying harsh words or taking harsh steps toward them, affecting relationships.
Retaliatory anger makes one believe they must retaliate against the same hurt they experienced. It is motivated by the feeling of revenge. Sometimes this leads to the breakage of relationships.
When there is an escalation of a minor issue into a major one, you can’t control your emotions or actions even after knowing the consequences. You might be displaying retaliatory anger.
Poor impulse control, physiological, and mental health issues, personality disorders, stress, and exhaustion, can be the root of retaliatory anger.
Retaliatory anger can be dealt with easily if we pause for a second and consider why we retaliate. Is it worth it? Will it end the conflict? Or worsen it? If we can make our minds understand this and calm ourselves down, we can easily control our anger. Give yourself time. Trust the process and try moving on from things that have hurt you.
8. Self-Abusive Anger
Sometimes, anger can lead to negative thoughts, especially when we talk negatively about ourselves. A person might get upset by all the feelings that they are undergoing. And sometimes, this anger shifts towards self-abusive anger.
Self-abusive anger is when a person intentionally harms their own body or mind. They might feel this as a way to deal with their overwhelming emotions. People don’t wish to hurt themselves; they just find this as an easier way to deal with their anger.
To deal with self-abusive anger, one can try getting distracted from the source of the trigger. Try talking to someone. It is tough to express emotions to someone else. It will take time, and you should give yourself that time. Pamper yourself and be supportive of yourself.
You can also seek help from different mental health institutions. They can help you understand your emotions better.
9. Passive Aggressive Anger
Passive Aggressive anger is a way of showing anger indirectly. By displaying resistance or acting stubbornly, one shows anger rather than being direct about it.
A passive-aggressive person may ghost someone, give silent treatment, make excuses, procrastinate, give sarcastic replies, and shut down communication.
A passive-aggressive person may deny being angry and not talk about their emotions. They will avoid people who cause them discomfort as a way of displaying their anger.
Passive aggression can affect both personal and work relationships. People associated with a passive-aggressive person may feel frustrated because they cannot understand why they are being given the silent treatment.
Passive aggressive anger can result from growing up in an environment where direct expression of emotions was not encouraged, mental health issues like depression, or situations where one cannot show anger.
Being open about your feelings is difficult, even if you feel discomfort. At that moment, being passive-aggressive is an escape.
You can start by understanding yourself and your feelings to check your passive-aggressive anger. Give yourself time and make your life changes at your own pace. You can also practice expressing your emotions by talking to yourself.
10. Verbal Anger
Verbal anger is outbursts of anger not physically but verbally. Though it is less serious than behavioral anger, it can still cause harm to people facing it. It is a form of emotional and psychological abuse.
Verbal abuse includes shouting, threats, and sarcasm toward someone, which may make a person feel guilty and apologetic afterward.
Verbal anger can be dealt with by developing patience. Take Deep breaths when you feel like saying something. Listen to what others are saying. Then give yourself sufficient time. It is very common to get angry if you experience discomfort from others. The only difference is how you display your anger.
11. Habitual anger
Sometimes, anger can become a habit. One can feel angry, frustrated, and irritated in every situation. People experience anger more frequently. They can feel upset constantly. Small emotions may make them feel angry or upset.
Habitual anger can develop through a person’s stress levels, personal as well as working environment, and social connections.
To deal with chronic anger, one can practice positivity, showing gratitude, deep breathing, listening more and reacting less, meditating, etc.
12. Volatile Anger
The sudden unexpected outburst of anger is a sign that you have volatile anger. A person with this type of anger may display it occasionally but remain angry or upset even after the incident.
Past events, a situation, a personal issue, the environment, genetics, or mental illness can trigger volatile anger.
A person displaying volatile anger may feel anxiety, frustration, irritation, etc. Volatile anger may cause high blood pressure, headache, fatigue, and tightness in the chest.
Recognizing your anger is the first way to deal with your volatile anger. It is normal to experience anger, but anger that controls you needs to be looked for.
If you are facing anger and management issues, you can talk to an expert about it. They will help you plan out your journey. To control your volatile anger at home, you can practice breathing exercises, listen to music, meditate, change your surroundings, etc.
13. Deliberate Anger
In this type of anger, the person acts manipulatively by using anger to get what they want. They display this type of anger in people that are easy to manipulate and those who don’t like conflicts or anger.
This type of anger generally roots from greediness. A person who has a self-centered personality displays this kind of anger.
Takeaway on different types of anger:
Anger is a normal emotion experienced by everyone in physical or emotional discomfort. Being angry is not a bad thing. Being angry is a type of expression of your emotions. If you don’t express your anger, it will stay in you as frustration. There are different types of anger. You just need to understand your type.
Among the different types of anger expression, we only need to understand how we deal with our anger so that they don’t cause us any difficulties in our daily life. It is normal to be angry, but when anger takes control of your emotions, it becomes an issue.
Therefore understanding yourself and your anger pattern is a mandate. Understanding what triggers you or how you can calm yourself down will definitely help you express your anger positively.
So, what type of anger do you display?
If you want to learn how to deal with your anger, you can read our blog on ‘How To Deal With Anger – 6 Simple Yet Effective Ways’.
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