Since childhood, you have probably been told about the numerous benefits of reading. Our parents or guardians are the first ones to push us toward reading because “It’s good for you.”
But why exactly does it matter? Apart from being entertaining, immersive, and having the ability to transport us to an imaginary world, what are the benefits of reading every day?
We often rattle reading as something nice, emotional, investing, etc. But are there any genuine advantages of reading books?
Will turning pages reduce your calories or help build your muscles? No!
Will it improve your eyesight? Absolutely not!
While it might not be the magical solution to all your physical or mental problems, reading books has multiple science-backed psychological benefits. They can inspire you to become a better person while making your life healthier and significantly better.
Now, we know these advantages of reading books might sound like something too good to be true. But they are. Turns out, all those days you spent snuggling in your bed reading something and not conquering the world out there weren’t as bad as you thought!
Don’t believe us?
Challenge accepted.
In this post, we will dive deeper into how does reading affect your brain. We will take you through multiple science-backed reasons why reading is very important in our lives. Maybe you will just be prompted to give an impromptu tour to your nearest bookstore after reading these. Let’s dive in!
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Scientific Benefits Of Reading Books Every Day
1. You gain knowledge.
This one from our list of benefits of reading books every day is pretty obvious.
One of the biggest advantages of reading books is learning.
And unlike those YouTube videos or podcasts, books give you more in-depth knowledge about whatever you are reading about.
Put simply, what do you think will make you more productive or enhance your learning process:
- a 10-minute video or half an hour podcast by someone, or
- a well-researched book by a subject-matter expert.
From what do you think you will imbibe knowledge? Which one will leave a more significant imprint on your mind and catalyze action?
No doubt, books!
While the answer can be subjective to a lot of people, the reason why reading is important is because it takes you deeper than the surface level. Going beyond the surface is essential to understand what you are learning properly.
2. It helps build your empathy quotient (EQ).
While experts are divided on whether this is short-term or long-term, another one of the advantages of reading books is that it helps build your empathy quotient.
Yes! As scientists try to figure out the finer details, a growing body of research covered by Harvard Business Review has found that reading fiction books is mostly like an empathy workout.
When reading about characters whose lives are extremely different from ours, fiction books help us understand diverse perspectives and emotions. This effect can be pretty realistically translated and interpreted through your brain waves. When a character in a fiction novel that you are reading goes to play baseball, the areas in your brain that would have lit up if you were physically playing on the field are activated.
3. It boosts brain connectivity.
Another one of the scientific benefits of reading for students and learners is its ability to boost brain connectivity.
You might have heard Ted Talks where people talk about that one book that changed the course of their lives. But do you know that reading a book can actually change your mind?
Yes! Researchers from Emory University have found that one of the advantages of reading is the changes it brings to your brain. These changes are present even when you aren’t actively engaging in reading and are in a resting-connectivity state.
Simply put, while reading, the connection between the left temporal cortex of your brain gets strengthened. This is the region responsible for language reception. What’s even better is that the connectivity stays for days after you have stopped reading.
4. It improves your memory.
Another scientific benefit of reading books every day is its significant positive impact on your memory.
As per research, reading affects parts of the brain that remain relatively untouched by watching a video or listening to podcasts or music. These parts include those responsible for language, vision, and associative learning.
Therefore, those who read more have a more complex brain. They have a sharper memory and retention power. Additionally, as per another study by Rush University Medical Center in Chicago, reading can reduce the chances of developing Alzheimer’s. This study has shown strong relations between brain exercises like reading and the reduced decline in memory.
5. It keeps you calm and reduces stress.
Suppose you are prepping for your exams or devouring something like The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. In that case, the benefits of reading, like reduced stress and a calmer mind, will probably be lost (unless you love studying for exams or Roman history).
However, apart from this, as per research by the University of Sussex, having a regular reading routine (preferably before bed) can reduce your stress levels. It can also help normalize your heart rate and help you relax during stressful times.
6. It expands your vocabulary.
This one of the advantages of reading books is an extension of the point of knowledge. The logic is simple – the more you read, the more words you are exposed to. Eventually, this broadens your vocabulary and makes you a better communicator.
Being well-spoken and articulate are skills that are revered in most professions. Knowing that you can speak well and eloquently can be great for your self-esteem and confidence. People who are well-read and well-spoken tend to have better opportunities for themselves. They can better understand the world around them and have more fruitful social relationships.
The importance of reading books increases multifold if you are a non-native speaker trying to get a grasp of a new language.
7. It helps you escape.
We live in an overwhelming, exhausting, and downright frustrating world. You face triggers and stressors every day that can be extremely harmful to your mental health and well-being.
Sometimes, these stressors can be as small as your sibling leaving the door to your room open to as severe as the state of the country or economy currently.
This is exactly why reading is important in our lives. It gives you an escape. It provides you sanctuary when the world around you feels too daunting. One of the biggest benefits of reading for mental health is that whenever you feel overwhelmed or too exhausted to face the world or humans in general, you can simply hermit your way into books.
Therefore, reading books every day can be one of the safest and most effective coping mechanisms to deal with regular stressors.
8. It upticks your concentration and focus.
Before saying anything, let us put it out there – we love the Internet and all the conveniences it has brought to our lives. We are thankful for video calls, net banking, and much more. But it is important to admit that with access to the Internet getting better, it is pretty damn difficult to concentrate nowadays.
Whoever coined the metaphor ‘attention span of a fly’ was talking about humans from the 21st century. With hundreds of tabs on our laptops, five different applications on the phone, and a podcast in our ears, being distracted is the new norm.
In a world like this, the benefits of reading books every day get even more significant. One scientifically proven benefit of reading books or long-form material is that it engages our focus and reduces the likelihood of being distracted. Moreover, you are much less likely to multitask while reading, which aids your concentration.
To get started, read a book on your way to college or the office if possible (or in the morning if you drive to these places), and you will notice how focused you are when you start working.
9. It strengthens your social connections.
There’s a reason why folk tales and stories have united people over the years and kept them connected to each other despite the differences in eras. If you have ever decided to read a novel with a friend or gone online to share your reviews about a particular book, chances are you have felt this.
One of the biggest reasons why reading is important is because it facilitates deeper social connections and relationships. Genuine connections are formed over deep, meaningful conversations around interests like reading.
The part is that reading gives you a conversation starter in the form of a subject you are incredibly passionate about. So, even if you are shy or introverted, having a shared hobby or interest can make it much easier to connect with others.
Reading is an excellent and entertaining hobby that doubles as a great brain exercise. It strengthens your focus and concentration, increases your knowledge and vocabulary, and enhances your learning ability.
Apart from these, there are multiple psychological benefits of reading. It lowers your stress levels, makes your social life easier, helps you sleep better, and much more.
In short, reading makes you knowledgeable and healthier. It is great for your cognitive and mental well-being.
Convinced that reading is great, but don’t know where to start? Here are the best mental health books on Amazon to get you started.
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