Do the words overworked, sleep-deprived, crazy-busy, and exhausted sound too familiar and close to how you feel currently?
In today’s fast-paced and hustle-culture-obsessed society, we are expected just to go, go, go. Speed is the measure of efficiency, and being overwhelmed is a sign of hard work. Most of the time, you wonder how fast life is and feel like you have no time to breathe.
You are constantly bombarded with questions about how fast you can get this done, how soon you can hit the targets, and just how much of your life you can keep going without slowing down. You are juggling work deadlines, household chores, parties, errands, and whatnot. To top that off, your smartphones consistently tell you to push yourself harder and achieve more. So you are hurrying up your meals to run to the next place you are supposed to be to the next task you are expected to complete.
You have no time to think about the benefits of rest and how you get so little of it. Resting is considered something extremely self-indulgent. You feel guilty the moment a thought about slowing down, catching a breath, or resting comes to your mind.
But that’s what you need to learn, pal!
Slowing down and resting are the primary requirements for your physical and mental well-being. It is not just important to rest after high-stress days; it is crucial to rest regularly. Rest is the most basic component of a healthy life.
The health benefits of rest are far-reaching – it rejuvenates your mind and body while improving your cognitive functioning, memory, and much more. A lack of it can, therefore, be detrimental to your physical and psychological health.
In this post, we will dive deeper into the health benefits of a day of rest. We will also help you get started to achieve these benefits with our easy and effective tips on how to rest efficiently.
But First, Let Us Understand What Is Rest And How It’s Different From Sleep.

Most of the time, when you are exhausted, you try to compensate for it through sleep. Now, that makes logical sense because we are all sleep-deprived most days. But have you noticed that you might feel tired some days, even though you have slept a lot?
This is because while sleep is a big part of resting, the process involves many more things. Rest includes any activity that soothes you and calms you down. It means being fully present in whatever you are doing. Basically, you can rest while reading, sleeping, playing something, etc.
To help you get a clear picture, here are the different types of rests:
1. Creative rest: If you have ever felt you are out of ideas, you probably need creative rest. It is commonly referred to as ‘creative blocks.’
2. Physical rest: It is easily identifiable if you are short on physical rest. Your body will start having pains, or your sleep schedule will be messed up. Physical rest can be passive, like napping, and active, like yoga, meditation, and exercise.
3. Mental rest: Feeling distracted and lacking focus? You are most likely short on mental rest. Being mentally drained can cloud your judgments and affect your ability to concentrate or make decisions.
4. Social rest: If you are craving some ‘alone time’ with yourself, you need social rest. Sometimes it can be challenging to manage our overwhelming social relationships and obligations. Taking a break from social events and focusing on yourself is the right way forward for you.
Now that you have a clear idea of the types of rest, let us understand the health benefits of a day of rest.
7 Science-Backed Health Benefits Of Rest

1. It heals your body.
The human body was biologically designed to function for short periods combined with adequate rest and recharge. This is why one of the most important benefits of rest is that it allows your body to heal itself.
Even small breaks can help you regain the energy to carry forward the rest of the day. Proper sleep and more extended periods of rest can help your body activate its inner healing and achieve stability or homeostasis.
2. It actively reduces stress.
This might seem like the most apparent benefit of rest, but it’s still extremely critical. Rest actively reduces stress by allowing your breathing and muscles to relax.
As per the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), stress is at an all-time high in the working population. It also reports that healthcare expenses are almost 50% higher for those dealing with stress.
Resting activates the parasympathetic nervous system, which allows you to relax and rejuvenate. Research by Roger S. Ulrich and team conclude that resting through garden visits significantly improve stress level in patients.
3. It increases concentration and productivity.
Wondering how rest can help us to be efficient?
Well, the reasons are simple. Just like all our muscles, the brain muscles also don’t work efficiently if fatigued. Therefore, one of the most notable benefits of rest is that it makes your brain more productive. Think of your energy on Monday after having a break on the weekend. See the link now?
Resting decreases fatigue and increases alertness, helping you be more efficient at work. Therefore, set some time aside each week to unplug from your daily routine and enjoy some quality time with yourself.
4. It helps prevent decision fatigue.
Have you ever heard the term decision fatigue before? It is described as the stage when your mind is so tired from constantly making choices that it just can’t get through the cycle of weighing the pros and cons of another decision.
Making too many decisions is bound to mess with your mental health and ability to choose things objectively. You are more likely to make safe choices when tired, limiting your growth opportunities.
But there’s a way out. One of the most important psychological benefits of rest is that it allows you to have some time off. This way, you can recover from the stress of daily judgments and get back on your feet.
So, stop trying to overwork yourself to decision fatigue, and take that break!
5. It improves your memory.
When you are resting, your mind is in the consolidation stage. This stage is extremely important as it allows your mind to manage and store your memories. Therefore, if you are not resting properly (like not getting enough sleep, breaks from work, etc.), you are much more likely to be forgetful of important things.
This gets even more important if you are learning something new or have started working on a new academic or work project. If you rest properly, your brain can recapitulate the details of what you have learned.
So, looking to enhance your learning process? Just rest, pal.
6. It boosts creativity.
When the volume outside the world tones out a bit, what’s inside you gets louder. So, resting is the perfect way forward if you are looking for inspiration or a boost in creativity.
One of the benefits of resting is that it allows your mind to declutter. This way, your thoughts get the opportunity to wander freely, adding to the creativity fuel.
In his paper, a distinguished psychologist, Manfred Kets De Vries, wrote that doing nothing is one of the best ways to nurture creativity and boost imagination. Simply put, resting will generate more ideas.
The reasons are pretty direct. You can’t be creative if you continuously consume information and work. So, give your mind some rest, and let your creativity flow.
7. It allows you to reconnect with yourself.
It is easy to forget who you are in the hustle and bustle of our daily lives. You are convinced by the notions of who you should be or where you want to be. Self-awareness goes for a toss, and you suddenly lose touch with your inner self.
Therefore, one of the most important benefits of a day of rest is that it allows you to reconnect to yourself. It gives you time to analyze your situations, ponder on your thoughts, and make sense of your feelings. It helps you understand who you are and what you truly want.
You cannot simply do all these things if you aren’t slowing down or resting properly.
How To Rest Effectively
Now that you have an idea of the benefits of rest and relaxation in your life, it is time to get to the ‘how’ of the matter. How to rest effectively? You might wonder why you can’t find time to sleep from your busy schedule; how are you even going to make time for anything other than that?
Well, if you think so, we come bearing good news. You don’t necessarily have to carve time out for anything. We understand that you are busy, overworked, and whatnot.
Efficiently using your time is the key to proper rest. Here are a few tips on how to rest effectively. We have included the easiest things you can easily incorporate into your daily schedules. Let’s dive in.
1. Choose and practice a calming activity.
What are you doing on your day off from work?
You are most likely to be found doing laundry or running errands. Now, while you are on a break, technically, you aren’t.
To truly rest, you must try doing something that doesn’t feel like a chore. Calming activities are things that bring you back to yourself after a hard day.
Therefore, choose a calming activity that you like and practice it. This could include meditation, yoga, reading, journaling, or maybe a new hobby. To get more inspiration, click here.
2. Get to ‘being’ rather than ‘doing.’
We live in an always-on world. You are constantly doing something or the other. The basis of your existence is defined by what you are doing at the moment. Therefore, one of the best tips on how to rest effectively is to switch from doing to being.
Small actions include turning off your phone notifications, chatting with yourself, and striking off non-essential things from your to-do list.
3. Sleep well.
It doesn’t get more direct than this. Sleeping is one of the best tips on how to rest effectively. No matter what hustle-culture enthusiasts tell you, the world is not getting better with another sleep-deprived human. So get those seven to nine hours of sleep no matter what. It’s important. You need them.
4. Take a break from screen time.
Taking a screen break can sound like a lot in times of doom-scrolling and overstimulation. But it isn’t. You aren’t going to miss out on important stuff from a handful of hours. Instead, this way, you get to spend time in the real world. Moreover, your mind gets a break from the constant stress and negativity of the online world.
We live in a world where resting is looked down upon. People are made to feel guilty for the mere idea of wanting to slow down and take breaks. You are suddenly deemed unprofessional and a slacker if you prioritize taking care of yourself over something else. However, no matter what the world tells you, there are multiple benefits of rest on your mental and physical health.
We hope this list of the health benefits of rest and the tips on how to rest effectively will help you prioritize your well-being.
Rest is a form of self-care. To learn more about the most effective self-care practices for your mind, body, and soul, click here.
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