We have all dealt with emotional pain and trauma at some point in our lives. Maybe it was losing your dream job, separating from the love of your life, losing a family member, having a major health crisis, or a similar disappointing life event.
When you have deep emotional wounds, it is difficult to start healing overnight. You can’t expect to plant a seed at night and expect it to give you ripe fruits the very next day. Healing, especially emotional healing, takes time.
Healing is an extensive and tumultuous process that isn’t always smooth. While healing sounds beautiful and magical, on most days, it isn’t. It isn’t like waking up one day and suddenly feeling okay. It might be. But you will always have days when your body will refuse to move out of bed.
There will be days when you will desperately search for acceptance but will be stuck in denial.
There will be days when you will desperately search for tips for emotional healing but come back empty-handed. This is because real, genuine healing starts from you.
True emotional healing comes when you accept what happened to you and embrace the aftermath. It happens when you accept that some things will never be okay again and make peace with it.
Sounds difficult, right?
This is why, for most people, it gets easier not to heal. It is much easier to stay with your pain and do no work. But if you don’t deal with your emotions, they will affect everything around you, including your work, relationships, friendships, and overall personality.
Not dealing with your painful emotions will not make them disappear. And this is precisely why finding what is the best way to heal emotionally is essential. To help you get started, we have compiled a list of the best emotional healing tips and techniques. Let’s dive in.
The Most Effective Emotional Healing Techniques
1. Admit Your Pain.

Admitting that you are in pain is one of the first and most important tips on how to heal deep emotional wounds.
Now, admitting your pain is far easier than said. Insecurities, stigma, and shame bog you down. You might feel like accepting your hardships might make you sound weak, and people might label you as negative or toxic.
However, remember that your vulnerability and ability to accept your pain will only strengthen you. So, one of our first tips for emotional healing is to stop fighting or running away from your pain. Accepting it makes you more willing to move through it eventually.
2. Give yourself a break and take the time you need to heal emotionally.

There is no timeline for deep emotional healing. So, if you are looking to heal within the ‘x’ number of days, stop. Take a breath. We are so hell-bent on proving that we are okay and worthy that we have developed an unhealthy tendency to rush through things.
However, pretending to be okay to prove a point is not your goal. It is not going to make you feel better. Rushed healing is like a loose bandage. While it might make you feel like you are better, you aren’t. And the moment you are put under a pressure situation or face a trigger, it will fall apart. You will fall apart.
So, give yourself a little break. Do not run after an imaginary deadline to overcome your pain. It is your journey, and you can decide how much time you take.
3. Cry if you feel the need to.

No matter who tells you otherwise, crying is a natural human instinct. You feel intense emotions, and you cry. So if you feel like crying, find a comfortable space and let yourself free.
As per an article published by Harvard Health, crying releases hormones like oxytocin and endorphins, which can significantly help with physical and emotional pain.
So rather than gulping your tears down and trying to numb your emotions, let them flow. This serves multiple purposes.
Firstly, it helps you shed a part of the intense emotional burden you are feeling at the moment and makes you feel better. Secondly, once you have breathed after crying, you are much more likely to think with a fresh perspective. Finally, crying can also help those around you understand your situation and offer, thereby making it one of the best tips for emotional healing.
4. Take small baby steps forward.

If you are trying to take too many steps forward and make multiple changes simultaneously, you are likely to mess up. If you falter, you are going to either guilt trip yourself into feeling like a failure or give up on the process of emotional healing altogether.
So, another one of the best tips for deep emotional healing is to take it slow.
You see, dramatic and major changes are often unpredictable. Therefore, take manageable steps to return to your routine and relieve the pain. When you succeed in these small steps, you get the required motivation to move forward.
5. Surround yourself with supportive people.

The next in our list of effective emotional healing techniques is something we have all known forever – keep yourself in the company of good and supportive people.
Deep emotional healing is a lot about how you look at and deal with yourself. Since you are coming from a traumatic life event, it is easy to fall into the trap of loneliness and detach yourself from the world around you. This can leave you feeling even worse and might affect your self-esteem.
Therefore, another excellent tip on how to heal deep emotional wounds is to let yourself be around those who genuinely love and care about you. Healthy social support systems can perpetuate good habits. They can encourage you to move forward and help you when you falter. On days when you fail to see yourself truly, they can help you get back to yourself.
6. Sleep, Eat, Drink Water, And Repeat.

When dealing with something traumatic, we tend to neglect our health. Our basic schedule goes haywire, and taking care of our physical and mental well-being takes a back seat.
So, one of the best emotional healing techniques is to stick to a healthy schedule. You don’t have to go over the board and include robust exercise routines or journaling in your schedule at the beginning. We get how difficult things are for you.
Therefore, in the beginning, just stick to eating properly, drinking plenty of water, and getting enough sleep. Slowly, when you get adapted to this, you can add other emotional healing techniques to your schedule, including:
- meditation,
- journaling,
- yoga,
- art therapy, etc.
Learn more about such self-care and emotional healing techniques here.
7. Understand that there is no such thing as healing 100%.

A lot of people think that deep emotional healing is an all-or-nothing process. But that’s not the case. It is a deeply overwhelming and inaccurate belief.
Emotional healing is a lifelong process. So you don’t have a clear goalpost. You don’t have to get to an imaginary space in your life and feel better. You can start feeling better the day you start making a little progress. You don’t have to wait until you reach 100%.
In fact, there is no answer to ‘what is the best way to heal emotionally and never get hurt.’
The closest you can get to feeling a 100% better is to develop an ability to deal with your triggers, manage your relationships, and develop positive self-esteem. This way, even if you falter, you are well on your way to bounce back.
8. Be patient and compassionate with yourself.

All of us have a unique and complicated way of dealing with ourselves. When you face an unexpected traumatic event, it is okay to get overwhelmed.
However, being gentle and compassionate with yourself is essential to practice deep emotional healing. Learning how to heal deep emotional wounds will take up a lot of your energy. So, if you want to keep going, focusing on self-care and self-compassion is essential.
Take time out to sit with yourself. Pay attention to what your body is trying to tell you. Understanding and caring for yourself is one of the best and most effective tips for emotional healing.
9. Consider emotional healing therapy.

Deep emotional healing is tough and complicated. So, it is completely okay to require expert help and guidance. Talking to a qualified professional can help you navigate through your situation better.
Emotional healing therapy can include multiple professional processes like talk therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy, group therapy, and much more. It can help you explore your traumas and understand their impact on your thoughts and behaviors.
Following this, emotional healing therapy can help you figure out healthy coping mechanisms to deal with and heal from your pain.
Deep emotional healing means going through the same process over and over again, faltering, and eventually getting back up stronger than before. It is as complicated and messy as it can get. Emotional healing means losing yourself in the process and finding a more determined and better version of yourself eventually. We hope these techniques and tips for emotional healing will help you get started on the process of healing your wounds.
Looking for professional help for dealing with your issues? Access to professional help is now easier than ever with the advent of online therapy platforms. To learn more about them, click here.
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