The world we live in is constantly changing and evolving. With the modern lifestyle demanding a lot out of us, it is easy to get overwhelmed by the emotional burden of your responsibilities. This state of emotional exhaustion is defined by the feelings of being worn out, tired, and drained due to the stress of everyday life circumstances.
Sounding relatable?
People going through emotional exhaustion often feel powerless and stuck in the cycle of constant stress and anxiety. The best way to break this harmful cycle is to understand the early signs of emotional exhaustion before they can cause permanent or long-lasting damage to your mental health.
On that note, here are the seven most common warning signs of emotional exhaustion to look out for in yourself and the people around you.

1. Everyday emotions are consuming for you, even the small ones.
If you are in a state where every negative feeling threatens your daily functioning, you might be going through emotional exhaustion. This state is not caused by the lack of resilience but because you are approaching your breaking point. The surface reaction to your everyday emotions is just a reaction to the inner turmoil. So rather than trying to find a fix to the surface issue, it is what’s underneath that you have to deal with.
2. You are hypersensitive.
Your heightened sensitivity to the smallest of things is not an overreaction. It is because you are aware of your emotionally drained state and know one more setback will tip you off the edge.
3. You feel a constant sense of defeat no matter what you do.
Another warning sign of emotional exhaustion is when you see life through an ‘all or nothing’ lens. This is because you consider every small activity or endeavor as the make-or-break moment of your life, thus focusing your energy on the fear of the outcome rather than the process.
4. You are struggling to find motivation.
According to the National Library of Medicine, emotional exhaustion is a sign of mental burnout. Both these aspects lead to a lack of motivation in an individual’s lifestyle. This lack of motivation stems from a negative outlook toward life and disengagement from the other aspects of life, including work and socializing.
Read more: How To Fix Myself Mentally And Emotionally
5. You snap easily.
Extreme emotional exhaustion can make one easily irritable, lose their temper, or argue with people around them. These mood swings and bouts of short temper are often without reason and make the person feel guilty immediately.
Read more: Top Anger Management Classes Explained
6. You are either too expressive of your feelings or not at all.
You have extreme responses to all kinds of situations. For instance, you might cry every hour or feel like you can’t cry at all. Neither of these extreme states is sustainable in the longer run.
7. Everything seems to demand a lot of effort.
Try to remember your childhood – a time when any random activity would get you energized and motivated. However, as we grow older, the child-like enthusiasm falls behind in the race to become wiser. All that is normal. However, if the activities that previously interested you or made you happy seem to tire you out now, it might be a sign of emotional fatigue.
Emotional exhaustion is a part of mental burnout that can manifest through several unhealthy signs. Understanding these signs and addressing these concerns is the most important step toward effectively dealing with and recovering from mental fatigue.
Therapy is a powerful and resourceful tool to deal with mental and emotional exhaustion. However, finding the right therapist traditionally can be tiring. Don’t worry. We are here with an effective solution. Here is the list of the top online therapy platforms to find convenient and affordable therapy right from the comfort of your home.
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