45 Simple Examples Of Self-Care Practices for A Healthy Mind, Body, And Soul

Self-Care is not a task. Self-care is a lifestyle.

While many feel it is enjoying a rose-fragranced bath, it is, in fact, much more than that. 

Self-care means knowing what is important for our health and happiness. 

Let’s make it easier. Think of it as being a good mother to your own self. What do you think when you think of a good mother?

She is caring and warm, but she also makes you sleep on time, eat green vegetables, and brush your teeth twice a day (which we seldom do as grown-ups). Self-care means all of these things. It means refreshing the body as well as the mind. 

Self-care isn’t something you do once and then forget about. It’s the regular repeating of several small behaviors that, when combined, comfort you and keep you at your best—emotionally, physically, and mentally.

The most straightforward approach is to incorporate small examples of self-care practices into your daily routine. Try to include a small amount of love and attention for your own body, mind, and spirit daily in your life.

The following suggestions are small examples of self-care practices that might help you get started on the journey of taking care of yourself:

examples of self-care practices
45 Simple examples of Self-Care Practices for a Healthy Mind, Body, and Soul

Examples Of Self-Care Practices 

1. Unplug before bedtime

Try to unplug all your electronic devices at least an hour before bedtime. It helps with the quality of your sleep and switches your mind for a while.

2. Complete that long-pending task

Cross something off your to-do list that’s been there for a long time and that you’ll never get around to.

3. Alter your decision-making process. 

If you generally make decisions with your mind, try deciding with your heart. Alternatively, if you tend to follow your heart, choose to use your head.

4. Take a cloud-watching excursion. 

Relax while lying on your back and gazing at the sky.

5. Take a different way to work. 

Another example of self-care practice is to try changing your routine in small ways. It helps keep your brain healthy by creating new neural pathways.

6. Focus on the things you don’t focus on.

Focus entirely on anything you regularly do on autopilot, such as brushing your teeth, driving, eating, or going through your morning routine.

7. Have some fun.

Five minutes of “play” (non-directed activities) should be scheduled numerous times throughout the day.

8. Self-hug

One of the easiest and our favorite examples of self-care activities is just wrapping our arms around ourselves and taking a deep breath. This could become a way of calming your nerves down in overwhelming situations. You can also take this opportunity to give yourself a quick compliment, like, “you are amazing.”  

9. Fix that minor issue

Resolve a minor problem at home that has been bothering you—a misplaced button, a jammed drawer, or a burned-out light bulb.

10. One-minute meditation sessions

Finish your day with a one-minute mini-meditation that includes one minute of awareness of your thoughts, feelings, and sensations, one minute of concentrated attention on breathing, and one minute of awareness of your entire body.

11. Be self-centered in a good way. 

Do something today just because it makes you happy.

12. Make a mini-decluttering effort. 

Recycle three items from your closet that you don’t love or wear daily.

13. Turn off all electronics for one hour. 

Turn everything off, including social media and email, and you’ll be free of all disturbances.

14. Plant something.

Depending on the season, take some time to plant something – a tree, a pot, or just a flower. The joy of watching a plant grow is unparalleled.  

15. Cut down the negativity from your social media.

Remove hostile or negative people from your social media accounts. You don’t have to delete them; you may simply “mute” them.

16. Check up with yourself every day for 10 minutes.

Pay ten minutes of conscious attention to your body—Check in with each part of your body using the body scan approach.

17. Deep breaths

Take three deep breaths to increase your oxygen levels. Inhale deeply into your abdomen, then exhale through your stomach and chest.

18. Go on a walk

Every evening try to spend some time outside in a park amidst people just living their lives. It is a reminder of how the world is moving despite adversities. Additionally, if you have a furry friend at home, make sure to tag them along on these evening strolls.

19. Set aside some alone and quiet time for yourself.

Try to spend some quiet time with yourself in the morning. Sit near the window while you drink your morning coffee. Read something. This peaceful time might set a good tone for the rest of your day.

20. Write it down.

One of the examples of self-care practices that we swear by is writing down your feelings. There is no better feeling than to be able to vent out your emotions on a blank piece of paper. Give it a go.

21. Limit your food options. 

Choose two nutritious breakfasts, lunches, and dinners to rotate throughout the week

22. Send love to the people you care about

Sometimes sending an appreciative text to a best friend who has been there with you through the hard times or saying ‘I love you’ to your mother are great examples of self-care. We all need to incorporate more love into our lives, and this is the perfect way to do that. 

23. Get to know yourself on a personal level. 

Look at yourself in the mirror warmly and without judgment. (Use a mirror to ensure that you get to know yourself!)

24. Make one slight dietary adjustment for the week. 

Drink an extra glass of water or eat a larger serving of vegetables at each meal. This could be your little healthy achievement, and it’ll give you a much-needed boost.  

25. Do something nice for your body. 

Choose anything from your closet that feels good on your skin. Spend some extra time moisturizing or applying nail paint. Show your body some love.

26. Don’t move for a while.

For a few minutes, sit somewhere green and be quiet.

27. Soak in the sunshine

Get some sun for fifteen minutes, especially if you live in a chilly climate. (If necessary, use sunscreen.)

28. Use essential oils and calming fragrances.

Take a deep breath and inhale an uplifting scent. Peppermint can help you curb your appetite while improving your mood and motivation.

Read more about essential oils here.

29. Laugh out loud

Read a couple of your favorite comic strips or go through your favorite meme pages. Have a hearty laugh.

30. Take a snooze. 

Sleep debt can be reduced in ten to twenty minutes, leaving you alert and ready to take action.

31. Pretend you’re your best pal. 

What can you tell yourself right now if you were? Say it to yourself in the mirror.

32. Go on a “Beauty Scavenger Hunt” throughout your commute. 

On your way to work, look for five unexpectedly beautiful objects.

33. Assist someone. 

Carry a bag, open a door, or get a neighbor an extra carton of milk.

34. Pay attention to your feelings. 

Sit quietly and simply name what you’re feeling without passing judgment.

35. Make a list of your thoughts and emotions

Spend some time figuring out how you feel. Devise what is actually worrying you or making you happy. 

36. Spend time with positive people

Decide how you want to spend your time today. Hang out with “radiators,” who radiate enthusiasm and positivity, rather than “drainers,” who drain energy with their pessimism and negativity.

37. Give a pet a stroke

If you don’t have one, find one in the park. (It’s always a good idea to ask first!)

38. Obtain favorable feedback. 

Request that three of your closest friends tell you what they admire about you.

39. Dance it out!

Put on your favorite music, and have that impromptu dance party with yourself. It helps you let go of the stress for a while.

To know more about the amazing mental health benefits of dancing, click here.

40. Don’t be afraid to spend a little on yourself. 

Purchase a small luxury as a token of your self-worth.

41. Go on a date with yourself. 

Spend an hour doing something that nourishes you on your own (reading, practicing a hobby, visiting a museum or gallery, etc.)

42. Work on developing a signature strength. 

Consider what you’re good at and look for an opportunity to use it today.

43. Treat yourself to a spa day at home. 

Take a long bath or shower, then lounge around in your robe, reading magazines.

44. Look for help whenever necessary.

Seek assistance—big or small—but do so.

45. Schedule a two-day vacation for next weekend. 

Turn off your phone, notify your friends and family that you’ll be gone, and then try something new in your own town.


We get that life is pretty damn hard. But that doesn’t mean we forget to take care of ourselves and refuse to have fun as we ride along this difficult journey. The first step is wanting to see a

change in our lives. 

We hope these examples of self-care practices help you find true happiness. However, don’t make them a task. It is an extremely common pitfall. The only criterion for self-care is that it should make you happy. 

To learn more about how to find happiness in life, click here.

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