Can A Natural Remedy For Depression Help You Recover?

If you or a loved one is suffering from depression, chances are you’ve come across natural remedies as a way to treat, deal with or cure the same. But despite all the bold claims made in the mental health community, you must wonder, “Is it really possible to overcome depression by using a natural remedy for depression?”

If so, don’t worry. We’ll shortly answer your questions with data backed by research studies and give you the clarity needed on the topic. To start with, a natural remedy for depression can help treat depression without medication. By medication, we usually refer to antidepressants and similar medicines prescribed for depression.

 natural remedies help in treating depression
Natural Remedies For Depression

Before we talk about different types of therapy for depression, let’s try to understand what it is. Depression is a mental illness that affects mood, physiology, and other aspects of life. Some essential characteristics of depression include:-
lack of motivation to do anything or hopelessness,
-feeling apathetic towards things you are interested in,
-low mood and feeling too tired,
-changes in sleep(sleep deprivation, insomnia, and sleeping for long hours) and appetite,
-and trouble concentrating. 

Herbal remedies are in trend since people realize the importance of going green and seeking organic products to satisfy their needs. People also prefer natural remedies if the medicine is overpriced. Antidepressants and related medications can be expensive, depending on your location. However, spending money on quality treatment can save you from unnecessary expenses caused by health complications later in life.

Now that we’ve understood depression and modes of treatment, let’s look at the list of the most popular natural remedy for depression. 

Home Remedies for Depression

1. Chamomile Tea

Spices And Natural Herbs You Can Use With Tea

Imagine a calm, refreshing morning as you slowly sip chamomile tea sitting on your veranda. Merely visualizing this has a positive, calming, and relaxing effect. But what if we told you your morning tea could have unbelievable benefits for your depression too? 

Chamomile tea is a herbal beverage with a floral flavor and one of the best natural remedy for depression. It is also naturally caffeine free, helping you avoid interruptions and master your sleep schedule and making it the perfect go-to evening drink to practice self-care. Various types of research have proven the benefits of this super-drink, some of which you can find cited below.

A study by Jay.D.Amsterdam brought to light that chamomile tea might help fight depression and its previously proven utility for dealing with anxiety.

According to a study by Vahid.M.G published in the Journal by Young Pharmacists, drinking camomile tea had positive and significant effects on depressed patients suffering from a terminal illness. The study involved the patients drinking tea once daily over two weeks. However, whether these effects will last in the long run is still unclear.

2. Ginseng

According to a study by Suengyeop Lee, Ginseng is a natural remedy for depression that reduces stress and anxiety to help you relax, which is a significant cause of the same. It also helps relieve stress and fights other health problems, such as anxiety and physiological issues.

You can plant ginseng in your garden. Growing a ginseng tree is a unique process as they require intensive and regular care. The process can add more value to your routine and helps you get closer to nature.

3. Lavender

Everyone loves a pleasant smell, and aroma therapy is a practice that uses this fact. Herbs used for aroma therapy make the best natural remedy for depression. This treatment focuses on breathing cheerful scents that uplift your spirits and make your home and workplace more ambient. Lavender oil is one of the preferred products for aromatherapy, and it is not surprising that it can help treat depression naturally.

A study by Keizaburo Ogata brought to light the effectiveness of lavender oil in reducing depressed mood among healthy people. Still, research about the long-term effects of lavender oil aromatherapy on depressed people is lacking.

4. Saffron

Saffron has a peculiar aroma and a bitter taste, forming an orange liquid when mixed with warm water. It is a coloring and flavoring agent, one of the best herbal remedies for depression, and an antioxidant with anti-inflammatory properties. It is well known for its positive impacts on mood and helps treat depression naturally, as illustrated by the studies mentioned below.

A study by Mohhamed J Siddiqi shows that saffron treats depression as an alternative approach. However, the study had a small sample size, and it’s yet to be determined whether these benefits persist in the long run.

A study by Mojtaba.S established that saffron might be helpful and provide some antidepressant effects. It’s also considered a safe option with almost no side effects.  

5. Acupuncture

Acupuncture targets pressure points in the body and is a safe bet in case you want to release some stress, anxiety, or tension. It is known to have powerful calming effects. However, you should only get acupuncture from licensed professionals. It involves needles and other objects, which can be dangerous if handled by amateurs.

6. St. John’s Wort (Hypericum Perforatum)

St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum)
St. John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum)

St. John’s Wort is a plant that has been used in European medicine for a long time. While it is one of the best home remedies for depression in the short term, little is known about its long-term benefits. It’s also not guaranteed to be effective as a replacement for antidepressants, and you shouldn’t use it for that purpose.

It may benefit some people depending on various factors. However, this may not be a good choice because it has been shown to negatively affect the working of other medications.

Nutrition-Related Natural Remedy for Depression

Many times depression is caused by or related to physical health problems. These can include sleep-related issues, hormonal imbalances, chronic illnesses, or fluctuations in blood sugar. One of them is an inadequate or deficient diet. For example, information on research studies by UCL shows that despite the overall positive effects on the body, losing weight might be correlated to higher chances of depression. Deficiencies of certain nutrients, vitamins, and minerals in the body can also increase the chances of depression, as seen below. Here is a list of supplements and herbal remedies for depression with supporting studies to keep in mind for a quicker recovery from depression and better physical and mental health:-

A.  Zinc

Zinc supplements may improve your overall mood and help in treating depression when coupled with antidepressants, according to a study by Elham Ranjbar. These supplements are safe to take and will only prevent a zinc deficiency if you’re threatened by one. However, an extremely high zinc intake can become a toxic substance, leading to nausea, vomiting, and other problems.

B. Kava

Kava is a herbal supplement that has some beneficial effects for people suffering from anxiety and depression, according to a study by J Sarris. It is also safe as there are no side effects and can be helpful for treatment in cases where the patient is dealing with both conditions too.

C. Magnesium

A study by George.A.Eby highlights the role magnesium deficiency plays in a variety of diseases, symptoms, and general discomfort relating to the body and mind. It influences depression and may have a crucial role in treating the same. Hence, it is advisable to keep your magnesium levels in check.

D. 5-HTP

5-HTP is an amino acid naturally produced by the human body. It is related to the production of serotonin. It is thought that 5-HTP can help with depression by increasing serotonin levels, as supported by a comprehensive research study by Massimo. E.M. In this study, the uses and benefits of the chemical and sources for its medicinal production are highlighted. Other research has shown that it might not be as effective when used alone but works better in combination with antidepressants.

It can also aid weight loss and sleep but can have some possible side effects like nausea, vomiting, and so on, which may be unpleasant. 

E. Omega 3 fatty acids

A study by Ab.L.W highlights that Omega 3 fatty acids may be beneficial for your depression, but only if your depression is caused by dietary patterns influenced by their deficiency or irregularity. However, due to the lack of these Omega 3 type fatty acids, we can speculate that it is one of the leading causes or aggravators of depression.

F. Anti-Inflammatory diets

Inflammation is your body’s natural response to any substance detected to be harmful. It helps you stay healthy and protects you from toxic substances. But if your immune system doesn’t detect threats properly and inflammation continues for longer than beneficial, it can cause severe problems like arthritis, asthma, diabetes, and some mental illness. Some healthy foods can bypass detection by your immune system and save you from the harmful effects of inflammation. A diet with such good food is known as an anti-inflammatory diet.

A study by K. Tolkien shows that these diets can be essential for preventing depression and may significantly reduce the risk of developing it. If your depression is worsened by inflammation, these diets can aid treatment or, at the very least, stop it from getting worse.

The Mediterranean diet, named after the region it originates from, is a fun and healthy diet sure to spice up your cuisine, even if it does not greatly impact mental health-related issues.

Some general tips for dealing with supplements, herbs, and other natural ways to treat depression include:-
Keep your immune system healthy.
-Consult with your doctor first.
-Find out whether the remedy suggested is backed by credible studies or not.
-If it is okay, consume the supplements or chemicals in moderation.
-Track the effects of these natural cures for depression on your body and mental health.
-Try to stay physically fit and keep your mental health in check. This reduces the chances of your having any issues in the first place and makes them easier to resolve if you do.
-If you’re having difficulties and feeling overwhelmed, remember you can contact the 24/7 depression hotline anytime. anytime.

As research suggests, a natural remedy for depression may not be able to treat depression entirely. It is also important to note that natural cures for depression may be more complicated if you suffer from clinical or chronic depression. Still, they can help improve our mental and physical health and may be worth taking regardless.

Overcoming depression can be challenging, and you’re sure to have setbacks in the journey to a healthier lifestyle. That is why we recommend you go to therapy. Therapy can help you navigate issues easily and, most importantly, provide a licensed professional’s guidance. Here is a list of the top five online therapy platforms to access quality care from the comfort of your home.

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