Do you feel stressed? Is there anything bringing you down? Many young adults between 18 and 25 experience mental health problems related to their home life, employment or school, finances, or interpersonal relationships.
It’s wise to take action if you are concerned about your mental health. A mental health problem should be treated like a physical illness; the sooner you seek assistance, the better it will be for you.

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Why is mental health important for young adults? What is it?
Your emotional well-being is referred to as “mental health.” You usually feel confident and capable of handling life’s challenges if your mental health is good. However, if your mental health isn’t in the best shape, life may seem much harder than it needs to be.
A healthy mind is crucial. This isn’t just for survival; it’s also to foster good relationships with others, take pleasure in life, and appreciate what you have.
People are affected by mental health issues at some point in their lives. But if nothing seems to change, it might indicate a mental illness.
Mental illnesses significantly impact how you think, feel, and behave, including depression, anxiety, personality disorders, eating disorders, etc. These conditions can make it challenging to function in daily life.
Mental illnesses need to be managed or treated to get better, just like other illnesses. Therefore, you might want to think about seeking help if you believe you might have a mental health problem.
Youth and typical mental health problems
Mental health problems are widespread, and youths are affected by mental health issues more often. As an issue, you might:
- feel tense,
- have interpersonal problems,
- have concerns about money,
- acquire a drug or alcohol issue,
- struggling at work or in school,
- need assistance caring for a child,
- esteem oneself poorly,
- feel overweight or underweight,
- encounter harassment at work or online, and
- being lonely.
It doesn’t mean your mental health is in danger if you’re struggling with these or other problems. However, it is worthwhile to seek advice from someone.
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Factors that may be responsible for Young Adults
Young adults are facing more mental health issues for several reasons and so let us take through some:
1) Academic load
The amount of homework and academic pressure that today’s youth experience in school and college have been hot topics for debate and discussion. All of these elements may result in fewer hours of sleep, which is directly related to problems with outlook & mood. Youths go through a lot daily; still, people don’t consider it. The competition among the youths makes them depressed, competing in all sectors, even for internships.
2) Major choices
In their article about emerging adulthood, wood and his coworkers remind us that young adults are undergoing enormous amounts of change at this time. They make important choices regarding their living arrangements, careers, education, and interpersonal relationships. Young adults develop their identities mainly as a result of all these decisions. These decisions affect how they view themselves.
3) Mental Growth
Young adults make these significant decisions while their brains are still developing. Through a person’s mid-twenties, the prefrontal cortex, the area of the brain responsible for making decisions, continues to grow. Additionally, due to traumatic experiences as children, some young adults might experience more significant difficulties. For instance, the prefrontal cortex of adults who experienced severe abuse and neglect as children is smaller than that of other adults. Hence, they might have more trouble making decisions and controlling their emotions.
4) Existing in a World of Uncertainty
Finally, we need to comprehend the environment of young adults to understand their mental health. This generation has already seen significant occurrences like terrorist attacks, school shootings, and the 2018 financial crisis. Their anxiety is probably increased by social media pressure and academic expectations. But little did we know the hit of a pandemic would be such a big curse on people’s mental health.
They are currently attempting to figure out what comes next for them in a pandemic. Young adults who were suffering from the coronavirus may develop new mental health problems or see an aggravation of current symptoms.
Young adults can benefit from changes in public policy; the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is one example. Until age 26, the ACA permits young people to remain covered by their parent’s health insurance. As a result, young adults now have easier access to mental health services.
Young adults performed well on tests of memory, curiosity, and empathy, according to the Mental Health Quotient (MHQ) data. Policymakers can use this data to determine how to build on the strengths of young adults as they enter the “adult world.” We still need more information about this population to better target our policy efforts.
Now that you know about youths and their mental health issues, let’s take you to learn more about The Effect Of Social Media On Mental Health. To know more, click here.
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Great article, so informative yet concise, so useful.