Signs That You Need A Mental Health Day Asap

Not everyone has enough emotional awareness, and they don’t even know how to recognize their mental health issue and when they require a mental health day from work.

According to SWNS Staff, more than half of employed Americans say they would be anxious to take a day off for mental health issues because they fear their employer will view them negatively. Unfortunately, there are real consequences when workers push themselves to the point of quitting or having a mental breakdown. Both employers and employees pay a high price for this.

According to World Health Organization (WHO), productivity losses due to anxiety and depressive disorders cost the global economy $1 trillion annually.

Read More: Emotional and Psychological Trauma: Definition, Symptoms, and Methods.

So, maybe you being the manager, are not sure how to recognize when a worker needs a break?

This blog post contains the warning signs that an employee needs to take a day or two off. Read to learn how to recognize these symptoms for your and your employees’ health.

Top Indicators You Need For a Mental Health Day

Each person has a limit to how much stress they can take. While some people can handle constant pressure, others might need to take frequent breaks or make adjustments. There is no right or wrong way. It depends on your personality. However, stress does eventually have an impact on the body, whether it be physically, mentally, or both.

You should take a break as soon as possible if any of the following apply:

Sign No. 1: Mood Changes

It’s likely time for a mental health day if you’re constantly cranky, irritable, and not feeling like yourself. You might feel more depressed or excessively anxious if you have anxiety or depression. You don’t have to put up with the discomfort. Take note of how you’re feeling, and then do whatever you can to improve it, even if that means calling a therapist.

Sign no 2: An Increase In Physical Symptoms

Do your neck and shoulders suddenly feel noticeably tighter than usual? Does your stomach churn constantly? Do you get sick every time you consider going to work? 

Start observing any physical symptoms that appear during stressful times. Possible physical signs of excessive stress include headaches, stomachaches, and similar symptoms. These are unmistakable signs that your body needs a break emotionally.

Sign no 3: Focusing Is Challenging

Making errors and rushing to finish your work clearly show that you need a break from your job. Taking a particular day off can help you unwind and return to work with a new outlook on projects. Focusing is much more complicated when you have too much at work and home. Take care of loose ends or stressors to give your best work at the office. Spend some time in mindfulness on your day off to improve your focus when you get back to work.

Sign no 4: The Illness Won’t Go Away

When you are overly stressed, your body reacts. According to the American Psychological Association, long-term stress impairs your immune system’s ability to fight off infections, increasing your risk of illness when under pressure. Your immune system is worn out and weakened if you frequently get sick with flu, stomach problems, or infections. Improve it by eating well, getting enough sleep, getting your shots on time, exercising, taking time for mental health, and washing your hands frequently.

Sign no 5: No Thrills

It might be time to take a short break if you aren’t any longer motivated by starting new projects at work. In addition to taking a day off for mental health, you might want to ask for more assistance at work. Alternatively, request a temporary assignment change to get your hands on a new and exciting project. You can yield to work with a renewed sense of purpose even after taking just one day off. Take a day or two off and observe how it goes. When you return, note how you feel.

Read More: Top 22 Mental Health Awareness Blogs.

How to Take a Day Off Work for Mental Health

Once your mental health day has been scheduled, it’s time to plan how you’ll use your time off. This day’s entire purpose is to emphasize self-care while taking some time to pause and generally renew your energy. Even though one day may not seem like much, it might just be the recovery day you require when you’re close to burnout.

To make the most of your day, follow these suggestions:

1. Call it in

You don’t have to tell your boss it’s a mental health day unless you want to, whether you simply take a “sick day” or use some of that accumulated vacation time. Enjoy your day off without feeling obligated to explain why you were off to anyone.

2. Use the leave day to the fullest

Everyone sees that differently. But consider how you like to pass the time. Take the time to unwind however you want, whether by taking a long bike ride, exploring a nearby nature trail, reading a book, playing golf, or relaxing at a day spa.

3. Omit some activities

Abusing alcohol or other drugs excessively is not a healthy way to spend a day off for mental health. Your agitation, anxiety, or depression may worsen using mind-altering substances. Avoiding friends or family is not a good idea; spend time with the people who make you feel the most renewed.

4. Don’t worry about it

Relaxation is the primary goal of a mental health day off from work. If making plans seems too tricky, don’t. Sometimes all the body and mind need is to unwind and sleep. If you feel the need, spend a relaxed day doing virtually nothing.

Suppose you are out of paid leave. Make good use of your downtime on the weekends. Aim to relax rather than focusing on and beginning numerous tasks on your home to-do list. You might need to perform necessary tasks like grocery shopping; otherwise, give yourself permission to relax and take it easy over the weekend.


An occasional day off for mental health will benefit your workplace and your employees.

Your employees’ productivity and quality of work, as well as the people around them, will suffer if they are constantly physically and emotionally exhausted.

Create a more open culture around the value of mental health rather than just brushing mental health discussions under the rug. Instead of having in-depth conversations about complex topics like anxiety with your team, choose to have burnout discussions. Everyone has a funny experience once or twice.

Now that we know the signs that will tell whether you need a mental day off or not let’s take you to know 6 ways to overcome your new job anxiety. To learn more, click here.
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