If you aren’t new to mental health development, you might be aware of the wonders of practicing gratitude, and one of the most preferred techniques for practicing gratitude is gratitude journaling.
In this article, you will learn about the best gratitude journal prompts and gratitude journals to use while starting this process in life.
Gratitude refers to the quality of being thankful to somebody or something. It is a positive emotion associated with better mental and emotional well-being. Gratitude correlates with happiness, and the more gratitude you show, the more you will learn how to be happy in life. Being more thankful is a crucial component in the development of your mental health. Gratitude does not just mean being thankful for others but to yourself too.
There are numerous ways to practice gratefulness, from saying it out loud to gratitude meditation. One of the most used ways is keeping a gratitude journal. There are many positive effects of this on mental health. Journaling, in general, helps you sort out your different types of emotions and lessen your stress and anxiety. It also enables you to feel better when you feel depressed.
5 Best Gratitude Journals
Gratitude plays a key role in developing your mental and social well-being, and gratitude journals are one of the best ways to be more grateful in life. There are numerous journals available for us, and choosing the right one might seem hectic.
Here we have listed the best gratitude journals that might help you narrow down your choices:
1. Let’s Unpack That
A 30-day guided gratitude journal by Lindsay R Fitzgerald provides an easy way to practice gratitude and set goals to know yourself better. Each day you are provided with a question that will help you discover yourself and appreciate yourself a little more.
2. Gratitude and Mindfulness Journal
Bethlehem Bekele provides this journal as a labor of love that helps build self-esteem and self-love. This gratitude journal helps us rewire our auto-response thoughts and is an excellent book for healing.
3. The 5-Minute Gratitude Journal: Give, Thanks, Practice Positivity, Find Joy
Sophia Godkin, the author of the gratitude journal, aims to help us build better gratitude habits and positive attitudes. The book provides short prompts, allowing you to reap its benefit even during a busy schedule.
4. Good Days Start With Gratitude
Good Days Start With Gratitude is one of the best gratitude journals, which promotes the cultivation of healthy habits of daily journal writing. It is a 52-week journal.
This grateful journal is simple, with only three lines to write each day, making it less time-consuming and easy to use. A few pages are also available for more extended journal entities at the end of the week.
5. Count Your Rainbows
One of the best gratitude journals, Count The Rainbows, helps guide your thoughts and embrace positivity in life. The journal provides inspirational quotes from famous icons like Emma Watson, Jack Kerouac, and others. This journal helps you be more grateful in the real world.

What Do You Mean By Gratitude Prompts
Let’s break down the word “Gratitude Journal Prompts” into two parts.
Journal prompts refers to the creative calling in a person. Journal prompts pursues the reader to think outside of the box. This creates certain questions that make you introspect about your current life. Prompts are in the form of numerous questions that aim towards a profound meaning.
Gratitude prompts are an intentional practice of being thankful by introspecting on life in a positive curve. It is a great mental health development activity that one can perform. In this era, mental health awareness is quite essential, and practicing gratitude prompts can help you a long way. It acts as a precursor to cherishing the good in your life.
50 Gratitude Journal Prompts
Now we know what gratitude prompts mean and how they amplify your process of feeling gratitude, here are some of the prompts that you can use while writing in your journal:
- Think about the one good thing that happened in your life, and pen it down.
- Write down the five personality traits that you like about yourself.
- Write down the good values you learned from your mistakes.
- Is there someone you despise? Sit and think about just three positive qualities of that person.
- Think hard and write down the top 5 moments in your life that you are grateful for.
- Write down how grateful you are for detaching yourself from toxic people.
- Pen down five positive points of each family member.
- Write down one moment in your life when you felt someone unconditionally helped you.
- Write down ten things that your family or loved ones do for you.
- Narrate an incident from your life that made you the happiest.
- Write down the five things you are grateful that mother nature provides.
- Narrate about the person that made you smile today.
- Write two positive qualities about a random person you met in a while.
- Explain what gratitude means to you.
- Write about the person who made you feel at home when you were alone.
- Write about the hobbies you started cultivating.
- Start being thankful to yourself by writing five good deeds you did in the past few days.
- Pen down all the good experiences you witnessed in the past year.
- Write down how grateful you are for being alive.
- Write down the mental health development activities you started and how they have affected you.
- Write down the moral lessons that you learned in the past year.
- Pen down the things you feel made your life more positive.
- Name the book that significantly impacted your life, and you are grateful for what you own.
- Write about a recent event that affected you. What was it, and how you overcame it?
- List any 10 things you are looking forward to doing or have in your upcoming life.
- What are the top 5 things which make you proud of yourself?
- Are there any positive thoughts that you had before, but due to influence, got changed to negative? If yes. Explain how and work on it.
- Pen down one compliment your loved one gave you.
- Mention 5 things you can do or say to a loved one.
- If you have a pet, write about how they uplift your mood and make you smile.
- Explain an incident where you develop a positive mindset.
- Write down one thing you will tell your younger self to be more grateful for.
- Explain the incident when you were dishonest with yourself and how it affected you.
- Write down one good compliment about your body.
- Write how you can practice self-care to make your mood better.
- List down different ways you can make someone’s day.
- Write down one thing that you are good at.
- Mention your recent achievement that you are proud of.
- Mention one thing that you look forward to in your day.
- Describe the childhood memory that makes you more happy in life.
- Describe one moment in your week that made you laugh and smile.
- List three events that made you more self-confident and raised your self-esteem.
- Mention a beautiful thing you saw today.
- Describe how technology helps you feel more connected to everyone.
- Write five things you like about your job.
- List 3 items that you use every day and are grateful for.
- When something irritates you, write down the positive perspective of it.
- Think about the bad phase of your life and list ten things that have changed and that you are now leading a better life.
- Write about a teacher, role model, or mentor you are thankful for.
- Pen down your necessities like food or shelter and how you are grateful for them.
How Does A Gratitude Journal Help Us?
Practicing gratitude, in general, is essential for all, and gratitude journaling is one of the ways we can begin the process. Using gratitude journal prompts amplifies the process and makes you feel more invested.
Gratitude journal provides meaning to your life and has numerous benefits, such as-
- calm your mind,
- lift your mood,
- promotes spiritual growth,
- increases self-esteem,
- improves relationships, etc.
A daily gratitude journal provides positivity and helps you ease the negative side of your life. Practicing these habits will help you make good mental health.
Tips while writing a gratitude journal:
- Set a time!
- Keep it simple!
- Be more imaginative!
- Make it special!
- Be more creative!
- Remember about yourself!
- Ban the negative!
- Dig deeper!
- Be true to yourself!
- Accept your emotions!
- Be consistent.
- There’s no wrong way to do it.
- It’s okay if you skip a day or two.
In conclusion, gratitude journals and prompts help us raise mental health awareness inside us by making us feel more in control of our emotions and positively change them.
Practicing gratitude through a journal or something else entirely depends on one factor: your willingness. If you are determined enough to work on your mental health issues, such as depression and anxiety, no one can stop you from reaching your goal.
Practicing gratitude journaling is one way to be more grateful in life. Now that we know the importance of gratitude in our life, here are some methods through which you can learn how to be more grateful in life.
To know more about self-care and mental health tips, subscribe to Your Mental Health Pal.
Thank you for sharing. Those seem really nice, gonna try writing some this week. We often tend to forget to be grateful for how far we have come, what we accomplished and focus on negative, what we need, miss.