Fun And Engaging Mindful Activities For Kids

Kids running at full speed and unable to keep up? Mindfulness activities for kids may be precisely what you need to discover peace, introspection, and focus.

Every parent desires that their children be healthy, happy, and wise.

Good Mind and body health

Positivity In spirit

While promoting behaviors such as eating nutritious meals, getting lots of exercises, and keeping love in the family are all important in helping your children reach these goals, there is one element that parents frequently overlook: mindfulness instruction.

If you can help your children become more mindful, you will give them a lifelong gift that will never expire. 

So what is the importance of fun mindfulness activities for kids? 

Kids sometimes cannot notice their emotions; this is where mindfulness practice for kids helps. As a result, they can shift their minds to more neutral thinking. 

Concentrating on breathing is a great way to calm their minds and thoughts. Being mindful can help enhance their emotional regulation skills, and they can easily tackle challenges. 

Kids spend most of their time in school and can face negative experiences that make them feel low and bad. 

Children who struggle in school may have unfavorable experiences that make them feel dejected. Identifying and describing unpleasant thoughts can help children stay focused and move through them.

Mindfulness activities for kids can help them notice and accept inner sensations without judgment. In addition, youth who were more conscious throughout the scan reported having lower anxiety levels, and their brains changed connection states more frequently.

Being aware assists children and teenagers in coping with frustration when they confront a challenging situation. It may also be utilized when they must focus on something specific and avoid distraction. Fun mindfulness activities for kids make kids better. Childhood and adolescence are critical growth phases, establishing the groundwork for their future mental health.

Additionally, it can improve learning, make children and teenagers better listeners, and make them happier.

How do mindfulness exercises for kids affect the brain?

According to new research, mindful activities for kids improved breathing and attention. The majority of the study is focused on three areas of the brain:

I. Amygdala: emotional center

II. Hippocampus: site of central learning and memory

III.The prefrontal cortex is the area of the brain where decisions are made.

The grey matter in the amygdala diminishes the mindful activities for kids if practiced regularly. While we normally think of smaller brains as a disadvantage, it’s the contrary this time! Reduced activity in the brain’s emotional center is associated with less stress and terror.

Mindful activities for kids make the brain more active in the hippocampus, where key learning and memory formation occur, implying that more learning occurs.

What are the mental benefits of fun mindfulness activities for kids?

The effect of mindfulness on children is much stronger since their brains and bodies are still developing.

1. Improved self-Control

The purpose of mindfulness is to consciously focus your attention on bodily changes like breathing, yet due to how our brains are constructed; we are naturally distracted.

When your kid practices actively switching their attention, their brain’s self-control muscles are working out. This physically reinforces and enhances the neural pathways that support attention and self-control.

2. Reduced Anxiety and stress

Unfortunately, anxiety among youngsters is on the rise in today’s environment. Children are more anxious than ever due to hectic schedules, academic demands, and less time spent playing and being outside.

When a youngster encounters anxiety, the body’s defensive stress response is activated, triggering the ‘fight or flight’ reaction.

Mindfulness activities are a very effective technique for children to reduce anxiety symptoms (stomach pains, quick breathing, fast heartbeat, etc.) and re-regulate blood pressure, respiration, and heart rate.

3. Increased positivity

Acknowledging the present moment as it is is a necessary component of mindfulness practice. Avoiding and rejecting our emotions majorly causes individuals anxiety and despair.

Pleasant and unpleasant emotions are universal and a hallmark of an emotionally stable person. Activities that promote mindfulness help your kid learn to accept their feelings and experiences in the present moment without passing judgment or feeling bad about them, giving them room to be noticed.

4. Enhanced decision making

Bringing our consciousness to the present moment is at the heart of mindfulness. Kids who practiced only 15 minutes of mindfulness meditation could make faster and better judgments due to a lessened tendency to become trapped in previous narratives or projects into the future.

5. Improved emotion regulation skills

Would you like to boost your youngster’s chances to remain calm after they miss that football goal? The capacity to control emotions implies that we can manage our moods and upsets healthily and productively.

Studies suggest that mindfulness alters the brain regions involved in a child’s emotional control skills (in both structure and function).

6. Increased self-esteem

Many young people suffer from a poor sense of who they are and are unduly critical of themselves. 

An analysis of 17 studies revealed that the emphasis on self-acceptance and self-compassion in mindfulness-based therapies significantly increased self-esteem.

7. Increased self-love

It has been shown that mindfulness practice fosters a good body image and improves physical health. In addition, studies have demonstrated the beneficial effects of mindfulness-based therapies on our hearts, brains, immune systems, and more!

8. Improved social and communication skills

Mindfulness exercises will help your child get in better touch with their thoughts and feelings. 

Less reaction to emotions and a better ability to listen and speak more carefully and efficiently come from increased emotional self-awareness.

Simple and Effective Mindfulness Activities for Kids

1. Blow some bubbles

Bubbles are a favorite among children and are one of the fun mindfulness activities for kids. First, allow your children to inhale and then carefully exhale through the bubble wand. Then, tell them to imagine their anxious thoughts inside the bubble and watch as it floats away and explodes. 

The kid’s concerns vanish as the bubble disappears. This practice is an excellent approach to educating your children about mindful breathing, which may assist them in swiftly calming down in stressful circumstances.

2. Focus on the five senses

Teach your children to be present at the moment by engaging their senses. This traditional mindfulness activity distracts students from their problems by requiring them to engage with their immediate surroundings these types of engagement are fun mindfulness activities for kids. For example, taking a moment to focus on each sensation might help to calm rushing, anxious thoughts.

To complete the five senses exercise, ask your kid to observe your surroundings and make them ask these questions to themselves: 

What can I see?

What do I hear?

What can I detect?

What can I feel?

What can I taste?

3. Draw it out

Another fun mindfulness activities for kids include drawing. Kids may practice mindfulness via drawing. Tell your children to close their eyes and focus on a positive thought. Give them a notepad and some crayons when they’ve decided, then instruct them to sketch it.

Ask them to consider how it feels to hold the crayon as they are sketching. Next, instruct them to concentrate on the paper’s texture. Finally, ask them to explain the colors they used to create the image. Again, directing their attention to the painting process will help the children’s nervous thoughts.

4. Enjoy a mindful snack

Give your children a nutritious snack, such as an apple or a granola bar, to teach them the practice of mindful eating. Before they enjoy the delightful delicacy, urge them to inspect it, paying special attention to its shape and color. This type of engagement is delicious as well as fun mindfulness activities for kids. 

Inquire about how the food feels in their hands. Then, after they’ve tasted it, instruct them to consider the flavor and texture of the treat.

5. Go out for a stroll

Mindfulness exercises for kids can also include a bit of active work. Take your kids for a stroll around the neighborhood to burn energy, as exercise can lower stress levels. Kids can walk mindfully even if they are unaware they are practicing a walking meditation. 

This is one of the simplest mindfulness exercises for kids and an excellent chance to show children how to appreciate nature and their surroundings. Additionally, kids already have a lot of energy, so it might be challenging to hold them calm for more than a few minutes as you try to lead them in mindfulness activities.

6. Practice mindful breathing  

Mindfulness exercises for kids like breathing may be challenging for young children to comprehend, so seek the assistance of their favorite teddy bear. First, allow your children to lie on their backs. Next, place a teddy animal on each child’s abdomen and instruct them to touch it lightly. Count to three and have them breathe in through their noses. 

Tell them to concentrate on the sensation of the air filling their tummies as they inhale. Then, count to four and have them exhale through their mouths. As they breathe in and out, the stuffed animals rise and fall, giving viewers a clear idea of what is happening within their bodies.

7. Make your stress balls

In addition to being entertaining, this activity provides your children with a fantastic mindfulness tool and makes it to the list of mindfulness exercises for kids. Take a funnel and place it in the neck of some colorful balloons. Then, pour the chosen filling in slowly with the assistance of your children. For bouncy stress balls, try cornflour, flour, or sand. You may add dried rice or birdseed for a more solid texture and a less messy experience.

Once the balloons are full, tie them up and let the youngsters paint or attach stickers on the exterior. Kids may physically release any unwanted sentiments by simply squeezing stress balls. They are also excellent for use as a meditation focus.

8. Feel the beat

Mindfulness exercises for kids also include listening to heartbeats. Encourage your children to use their energy by performing jumping jacks or sprinting in place for 30 seconds. After that, have them sit down, close their eyes, and lay their hands over their hearts. Tell them to pay close attention to how their heartbeats feel. Then, as they sleep, ask them whether they notice their heartbeats slowing. 

This mixes physical activity with mindfulness-promoting activity, making it a great mindfulness lesson for elementary school pupils.

9. Journaling

Mindfulness exercises for kids include journaling. Mindfulness may be taught to children through a simple writing project. Bring out their favorite construction paper and crayons, and give them a simple suggestion to write and draw on: “Today I feel…” Make it clear to them that there is no right or wrong response here. Even sun painting is a conscientious method for young people to convey their feelings.

Give them a new colored piece of paper daily with the prompt written on it. This can be done in the morning or after they get home from school. Then, once the activity becomes usual, they can perform it quietly and for fun. 

10. Fun body scan

While formal meditation might be difficult for children, you can teach them numerous enjoyable mindfulness exercises for children, such as leading them through a simple body scan. For example, your child should sit with closed eyes and begin the “body scan game.” 

Next, have your youngster touch various body parts you’ve instructed them to touch with their hand. Again, they practice mindfulness while keeping their eyes open and watching you; this time, it’s easier than the first time.

11. Listening mindfully

Although it requires some preparation, this mindfulness exercise for children is one of the closest things a young child may do to formal mindfulness practice and meditation. Even younger students can be exposed to mindfulness through this method. Children are instructed to listen to typical animal sounds while sitting quietly with their eyes open or closed, then write down or speak the names of the animals they heard. 

One excellent method to become more attentive and teach kids about mindfulness is to pay attention with only one sense. 

12. Practising Gratitude

Being attentive involves more than being aware of the present moment and your senses. Another one in the mindful activities for kids includes encouraging your children to express their gratitude will promote mindfulness and increase feelings of happiness. 

Include it in your routine with them every day. During breakfast, when you pick them up from school, or when you put them to bed at night. Ask the person directly, “What are you thankful for today?” Ask, “What else?” if they recite an initial response. Additionally, you might ask them, “Why are you thankful for that?” or “How does being thankful for that make you feel?” If your youngster is having trouble coming up with a response, start by telling them who or what you are grateful for.


In conclusion, engaging kids in mindful activities can positively affect their growth and well-being. Introducing mindful activities for kids at a young age can improve their mental and emotional health.

Children can develop self-awareness, focus, and emotional regulation with mindfulness exercises like breathing exercises, guided meditations, and sensory awareness drills. These techniques cultivate inner peace and resilience in children.

Additionally, mindfulness can improve children’s cognitive capabilities like memory, problem-solving, and attention span. Children’s ability to focus and process information can be enhanced by modeling being wholly present and involved.

If you want to know more about mindfulness and how to achieve it, click here.

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