Finding Stability: 5 Low-Stress Jobs For People With Anxiety

Work-life is stressful.

But if you juggle your work-life while dealing with an anxiety disorder, the struggles assume a different level altogether. Living with anxiety is draining. Combining it with a stressful job can drain your energy at the end of each workday. The constant hustle and bustle of a workday with never-ending pressure to meet deadlines, satisfy clients, or reach the top of the ladder can leave you feeling defeated.

This not only sabotages your mental health and well-being but also restricts your growth and development in the professional field. 

But what if you could find a low-stress job that offered a generous salary while giving you the breathing space to manage your anxiety? 

Sounds amazing, right?

But what are these low-stress jobs for people with anxiety? How can you find one? 

Well, we have got you covered, pal. Here is a list of five best-paid but low-stress jobs for people with anxiety. Let’s get started.

Low-Stress Jobs For People With Anxiety

5 Best Paid & Low-Stress Jobs For People With Anxiety

1. Custom Space Designer

Specialty stores that sell home decor and organization and storage spaces employ custom space designers who help people redesign their living or workspaces. This includes designing closets, revamping living rooms, and improving the overall look and feel of the designated spaces. This is one of the best low-stress jobs for people with anxiety. 

At the onset, you do not have to juggle too many deadlines or keep running around throughout the day. Most clients prefer speaking on the phone, and most of them would be a delight to work with. Additionally, you get the opportunity to flex your creativity and make a tangible difference in people’s day-to-day lives. 

2. Blog Writer

If you are somebody who loves to talk about their passions and interests but is too anxious to do so in front of many people, becoming a blog writer is a great career option for you. It allows you to pursue your passion while reducing your anxiety because you are technically in your protective space when doing so.

If you think blogging doesn’t pay enough, well, think again! Albeit a slow game compared to other professions on the list, there is no upper limit to how much you can earn as a blogger. Additionally, it is one of the best low-stress jobs for people with anxiety because you are your own boss, and therefore, all the decisions and deadlines are worked around your comfort.

3. Librarian

Being a librarian is one of the best low-stress jobs for people with anxiety. If you love books and want a quiet and peaceful job, being a librarian is an excellent opportunity for you. It is not just one of the most serene and calm workplaces to exist; it is also low on social interaction because people are actively discouraged from talking.

However, that does not mean that you will never talk as a librarian, you do have to fulfill your custom duties, but these conversations will usually be brief and to the point.

Read more: Top Wellness Jobs For Mental Health In The US

4. Landscape Designer

If you love being in nature, being a landscape designer is one of the most fulfilling low-stress jobs for you. The work usually revolves around maintaining and designing outdoor spaces. While there are no degree requirements per se, a degree in horticulture, plant biology, or landscape maintenance will definitely open more doors for you. You can begin by working for a firm and slowly branch out independently. 

5. Community Health Promotor

Another one of the low-stress jobs for people with anxiety is being a community health promotor. A community health promotor is a person who provides local healthcare resources to communities by directly engaging with them. The position works as a collaborating link between professional healthcare providers and community members. You are tasked with empowering people with health awareness using different channels. 

Read more: What Is The Difference Between A Mental Health Counselor And A Therapist?


While most of us search for high-paying jobs while looking for a means of earning, it is essential to look at the broader ramifications of the stress that comes with such jobs. For people with anxiety, navigating a stressful work life is complicated. Therefore, we hope this list of the best low-stress jobs for people with anxiety will help you find career options that suit your well-being and needs.

If your anxiety affects your regular life, it is crucial to find professional help. Access to professional help is now easier than ever with the advent of online therapy platforms. To learn more about online therapy platforms, click here.

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