How Using An Art Journal For Therapy Can Improve Your Life

People say that we design our own lives. When we plan correctly, each goal we create and accomplish is a step towards where we want to be – to become our best possible selves. We have a healthy body, sound mind, proper work-family-life balance, and our dreams within our arm’s reach.

However, getting the ideal life we want entails a lot of work, and tracking our progress seems to be this huge, impossible task that overwhelms our day-to-day. How do we overcome the difficulty of juggling our thoughts, emotions, and personal well-being altogether?

The solution is straightforward: practice journaling.

 An Art Journal For Therapy

Read More: 45 Daily Gratitude Journal Prompts To Make You Feel Good Everyday.

What Is Art Journal Therapy?

Ideas strike us suddenly, and the life-altering ones frequently come sandwiched between unrelated ones. We risk losing them forever if we don’t capture them. Writing them down, along with our daily tasks, priorities, to-do lists, big goals, etc., is a journaling habit. By doing this, we make them immortal and make it possible for our thoughts to be organized.

Why Does Art Journal Matter So Much?

A frequently underutilized method of coping with our daily lives is journaling as a form of therapy. The layouts in our bullet journals, sketchbooks, and scrapbooks represent the thoughts going through our minds. They act as the guidelines for how we live our daily lives.

You can keep a journal for any aspect of your life that is significant to you, such as the inspiration for your artwork, parenting experiences, business ideas, fitness and health goals, culinary experiments, etc. It’s up to you whether you keep separate journals for each of these things or just one. However, the fundamental concept continues: 

  • as a form of therapy, 
  • journaling helps us to clear our minds, 
  • arrange our ideas, 
  • deal with our emotions, and 
  • accomplish our goals. 

It can assist us in creating new habits and, ultimately, the lives we want for ourselves. Journaling is the most intimate (almost spiritual) gift we can give ourselves.

Read More: How To Journal For Anxiety and Depression.

Living A Life Of Intentionality

We can live an intentional life, i.e., a life in which we can be honest and do what feels suitable for us, through art journal therapy. It is where mindfulness and productivity converge, and our beliefs and behaviors are in line. We think on paper when we write. Writing down our daily reflections, to-do lists, and random thoughts is a big part of how journaling as therapy improves our cognitive abilities. Our ability to fully understand something from our minds and put it into words, cementing and integrating it into our inner selves, is an act of awareness.

Keeping a journal as therapy can make us more conscious of how we think and respond to our environment. We give ourselves a form and gain a broader perspective by verbalizing our feelings and thoughts. From here, we can decide whether to make the necessary changes to our living or not.


Even though life will always throw us curveballs, our mindset is the key to happiness and optimism. Growth requires what we like to call an attitude of gratitude. Writing down what we are thankful for each day aids in our memory of the positive aspects of our lives.

Everybody’s life journey is unique. However, by using journaling as therapy, we can assist ourselves in identifying the goals that are most important to us and that we should build toward. Sounds intriguing, no?

Our ideas become well-organized when we put them into writing and give them a structure. We can design our schedule, productivity routines, and practices once we have defined them. These objectives call for frequent, little steps.

Now that you know that an art journal is an excellent therapy but how to get started with journaling first, this question may have arisen in your mind, so learn about 5 Journaling Techniques To Get You To Start Journaling Today! To learn more, click here.

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