Does The Keto Diet Cause Or Relieve Mental Health Problems?

The keto diet is characterized by a high-fat, low-carbohydrate, and sufficient protein intake. Ketosis is a metabolic state that occurs when you eat this way. Simply put, it causes the body to burn fat for energy rather than carbohydrates. Despite its current popularity as a weight-loss method, it was initially designed to help people with epilepsy manage their seizures.

It’s important to remember that your mental health is influenced by what you eat. A poor diet can have negative consequences on your health. Possible consequences are poor decision-making ability, fatigue, and slow brain response.

keto diet and mental health

How the Keto Diet Can Help You Feel Better With Mental Health Problems

The keto diet has been shown to help with depression, migraines, epilepsy, and Alzheimer’s disease. The following are some of the ways the keto diet helps to alleviate depression:

1. Increasing substances important for stress, anxiety, and mood management. Clinical depression has been linked to low levels of these substances. Following a ketogenic diet may improve depressive symptoms by increasing the circulation of neurotransmitter substances. However, more research is required as this study was only conducted on animals.

2. Mitochondrial function enhancement. The mitochondria are the parts of our cells that produce the energy that the cell requires to function. People who follow a ketogenic diet are less likely to develop mitochondrial dysfunction linked to depression.

3. Reduction of oxidative stress. Free radicals are unstable compounds that you are exposed to daily and can harm your cells. This is known as oxidative stress, leading to various diseases. Oxidative stress is high in people who suffer from depression. Ketogenic diets can boost your body’s antioxidant activity, which can help you repair some of the damage is caused by free radicals in your cells.

4. Insulin function regulation. Insulin is a hormone that helps you manage your blood sugar levels. High-sugar diets can make your body resistant to sugar, leading to weight gain, heart disease, and depression. Following a ketogenic diet lowers your blood sugar levels, increasing your body’s insulin sensitivity.

5. Inflammation reduction. A faulty immune response can exacerbate insulin resistance, oxidative stress, and mitochondrial dysfunction. On the other hand, a ketogenic diet may reduce or eliminate chronic inflammation.

A keto diet has been shown to aid sleep, dead cancer cells’ growth, and prevent depression. In one study, people who followed a keto diet found it easier to fall asleep faster than those who did not. Because cancer cells rely on sugars to thrive, their growth rate is slowed.

The Side Effects Of Ketogenic Diet

Not everyone adjusts to ketosis well. Headaches, sleep disturbances, cramping, and fatigue are some of the symptoms that your body may experience. While increasing your fluid intake may help, dealing with such symptoms can lead to depression.

Other side effects of the keto diet. Despite its many potential benefits, the keto diet may cause nutrient deficiencies, kidney problems, liver issues, constipation, and mood swings. To avoid some of the issues associated with the keto diet, try to eat a wide variety of fruits and vegetables.

Consider the following suggestions:

Because there are other weight loss options, you should stop doing keto if you start to feel depressed. Consult your doctor for more information if you’re using the diet to control your blood sugar or epilepsy. If you want to stick with the keto diet, here are some strategies to consider:

1. Concentrate on vegetables and high-quality protein. If you’re lacking in mood-boosting nutrients, try increasing your intake of high-quality whole foods. Avocado, almonds, and low-sugar dark chocolate are high in magnesium, which may help with depressive symptoms.

2. Take your time and drink plenty of water. Waiting a few days and drinking plenty of water will make the transition smoothly. Electrolytes may also be beneficial.

3. Try a cyclical ketogenic diet (carb cycling). You can have one high-carbohydrate day per week using this method. It makes it easier to maintain a long-term diet without sacrificing your favorite foods or eliminating carbohydrates.

If you’re not sure if the keto diet caused or exacerbated your depression, seek help from a qualified mental health professional. There is currently insufficient evidence on how to support the use of diet in treating mental disorders, and it is not recommended.

This diet may not suit everyone, particularly those with medical conditions. Before beginning any new diet plan, please consult your doctor.

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