Top 10 Famous Quotes Of Buddha For Mental Health

Famous Quotes Of Buddha For Mental Health

Going back to normal from the state of mental health problems is not a thing anymore. As painful as it is for many, there is only being where we are. Lord Buddha and his practices were created with moments like these in mind. 

The path to happiness, according to Buddha, begins with an understanding of the causes of suffering.

Understanding that others have gone via similar situations of mental health problems can provide comfort and a framework for moving forward. The world has shifted once more. We must change along with it.

Here are some top famous quotes by Lord Buddha which can make you feel motivated and happy. If you are having a terrible day or is suffering from any mental health issues, we hope this will help you.

1. Buddha believes in the importance of focusing on the present moment

“Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.” – Buddha.

The present wink, as well as the present time, is the most critical time. While it is essential to learn from the past and plan for the future, the present is where action should be taken.

2. Buddha Praises Self-Awareness

“No one saves us but ourselves.” – Buddha.

The power of thyself was a central theme in many Buddha’s teachings. We should only be charmed by ourselves and place the most significant value on our judgment when it comes down to it. We are the best ones who can change our mental state.

3. Buddha believes that communication begins with understanding

“Understanding is the heartwood of well-spoken words.” – Buddha.

A well-constructed sentence is built on the foundation of understanding a situation and the meaning of words. Before we say anything, we need to know what point we’re trying to make.

4. Buddha Recommends That You Love Yourself

“You, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.” – Buddha

Nobody is more deserving of love than one’s self. Confidence comes from loving and believing in yourself. How can we expect another person to love us if we don’t love ourselves? Before anything else, learn to love yourself.

5. Buddha believes that peace is a mental state

“Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without.” – Buddha

Peace is a state of mind, and everyone can achieve it by focusing on their thoughts. Do not seek peace from a different person, a different age, or a different location. Peace must come from within the soul.

6. Buddha believes that you are responsible for your purity

“Purity or impurity depends on oneself.” – Buddha.

Purity and impurity are terms that can be used to characterize someone. You can be both a pure and an impure individual. It is eventually up to you to make the decision. Nobody else can make that decision for you.

7. Buddha’s Opinions Take on His Persona

“The mind is everything. What you think you become.” – Buddha

Thoughts become actions, and actions become character. The mind is the most influential organ in the body. Our thoughts are compelling, and they can propel us to do incredible or horrific things.

8. Buddha Believes in Brief, Intense Speech

“Better than a thousand hollow words is one word that brings peace.” – Buddha.

A single word with significant meaning is preferable to a thousand meaningless words. Because Buddha insisted on speaking in short sentences, many Buddhists have taken a vow of silence.

9. Buddha Recognizes the Importance of Physical Fitness

“To keep the body in good health is a duty.” – Buddha.

We must take care of our physical bodies; simultaneously, we must keep our spiritual minds awake and clear. Without a healthy body to keep it growing, the mind will not function properly.

10. Lord Buddha considers spirituality to be a necessity.

“Just as a candle cannot burn without fire, men cannot live without a spiritual life.” – Buddha.

The path to a deeper form of happiness necessitates an unflinching examination of a reality in which all life is regarded as dukkha or mental dysfunction. Buddhism is a philosophy and practice preoccupied with the mind and its various delusions, misunderstandings, and cravings but sees a way out through higher consciousness and mindful practice, which is fortunate for us.

Perhaps Buddhism’s happiness is so abundant because of this seemingly dim view of reality; the ideas contained in Buddha’s teachings point to a specific engagement with lived reality. Surprisingly, one can achieve transcendent happiness through such a deep engagement with oneself, the world, and reality. 

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1 Comment

  1. I love the concept of being present in our lives! I think it can really help us to live fulfilling and intentional lives. We end up enjoying the small joys of life and appreciating them a lot more when we’re living in the moment! And that can really help our mindset for when struggles come along 🙂

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