
Description of YourMentalHealthPal and the website

YourMentalHealthPal merely works on increasing mental health awareness and publishes content relevant to mental health and fitness. To provide quality content, we frequently use affiliate links and sponsored ads to promote their products and services that are highly relevant to our content.

We ensure the readability and authenticity of our content. So to fuel our projects, we have to make money from displaying ads and relevant page links, but we strictly Keep our distance from services and products that don’t match our criteria and disqualify our quality checks.


The information available on and through the website is presented in summary form as a supplement to, and not a substitute for, the knowledge, skill, and judgment of qualified psychiatrists, psychologists, physicians, and health care professionals. The information on yourmentalhealhpal.com has been obtained from sources reasonably believed to be accurate and reliable. You hereby acknowledge, understand, and agree that this website and Its content and treatment resources do not constitute the practice of any medical, nursing, or other professional health care advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Content accessed on or through YourMentalHealthPal.com is neither complete nor exhaustive and does not cover all disabilities, diseases, illnesses, and physical conditions or their management or treatment. You should always talk to your health care provider for specific guidelines and instructions, including those related to the diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions. In providing the content, information, and treatment resources – and offering any related products or services – we are in no way representing or warranting that such information, Content, and treatment resources are applicable or appropriate for your needs and/or condition or that any particular service or product is safe, appropriate or effective for you. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem or condition, please contact a qualified health care professional immediately. 

Affiliate Disclaimer –

This affiliate disclaimer addresses the connection between other companies and products. Those links are embodied with a special tracking code that every time someone buys the services and products by clicking them, we will receive an amount of commission. We use affiliate links from companies that we find will benefit our readers. The prices of those products are the same regardless of it is purchased through an affiliate link or not. Whether you buy from those links, you will end up supporting them and us that we can make more helpful content for you.