5 Best Mental Health Podcasts For You

We all know that Music Therapy is a therapeutic approach in psychiatry that uses the naturally mood-lifting properties of music to treat mental disorders. It is considered beneficial and other treatments and addresses physical, emotional, and cognitive issues. 

But do you know podcasts have been around for some time now? 

In this blog, we will take you to the world of podcasts and look at how they can affect your mental health and well-being. We also have a list of the best mental health podcasts, curated especially for you. So keep reading to know more!

What Is A Podcast? 

A podcast is either a digital audio file or a series of audio files that the listener can stream or download.

It contains discussions by the host(s) on a particular theme or topic, and generally, associated links, websites, notes, or transcripts are also provided for the listener. This content can be streamed on any music streaming platform and is inexpensive or even free. 

There are different types of podcasts, and some of them include:

  1. Enhanced Podcasts
  2. Fiction Podcasts
  3. Podcast novels
  4. Video podcasts
  5. Live podcasts 

They are different from regular mp3 audio files because they contain more than songs or music. They are available in over a hundred languages, and their themes vary from research information to slice-of-journalism.

best mental health podcasts

What Are Mental Health Podcasts?

A podcast with an element of psychology or mental health (like self-love, addictions, depression, anxiety, etc.) is known as a mental health podcast. It is like a safe space for the audience to listen and relate to other people’s stories and understand how they can help themselves.

Many podcasts often feature recovered mental health patients or specialists who provide mental health trivia with the help of real-life examples or interviews of other people. They share some tips which might have been helpful for them in their journey, and you don’t feel like you are alone.

With over 2 million series, the collection of mental health podcasts is huge and still growing. However, keep in mind that while these podcasts are informative and hold power to touch-sensitive topics, there is no replacement for professional help.

You can listen to these podcasts to stay updated and learn about mental disorders, but if you need help and guidance, you must consult with a mental health specialist as soon as possible.

Benefits Of Podcasts For Mental Health

“From soothing sounds of meditation to exhilarating suspense stories, podcasts are so much more than just background noise!” 

It is surprising, but podcasts have proven to be quite beneficial to the brain.

  • Research shows that listening to podcasts stimulates many parts of our brain.
  • Whenever you listen to podcasts, your neural activity increases as your brain creates a mental picture of the events and topics being discussed in the podcast. Thus, your imagination becomes vivid and strong.
  • Podcasts aren’t just for entertainment. They are an excellent way to learn new things, especially about mental health issues.
  • You can tune in and listen to various renowned psychiatrists and lecturers and learn about their take on mental health issues. However, they shouldn’t be considered as a replacement for therapy. 
  • They help us to become better listeners and enhance our concentration. They require zero effort or energy, and you can listen to podcasts even while doing the mundane tasks of daily life. In this way, your attention span increases. 
  • Some podcasts are inspirational. They contain experiences and life journeys of other people who learned how to overcome challenges and build a better life for themselves.
  • They can help you overcome feelings of depression and hopelessness, and you realize that you aren’t alone. 
  • They can help you relax and ease anxiety. Listening to soothing sounds, music, or white noise releases oxytocin, which is responsible for calming your nerves and reducing stress, thus helping you sleep better.

5 Best Mental Health Podcasts In 2022

Over 40 million people in the whole United States suffer from serious mental health conditions like bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.

Despite being so prevalent, mental health disorders are still considered quite taboo. One way of breaking the stigma is to start a conversation, and mental health podcasts are becoming increasingly popular.

Here we had some of the best mental health podcasts:

1. For anxiety: The Anxiety Podcast

Available on: Spotify and Apple Podcasts

Hosted by: Tim JP Collins

Duration: 10-30 minutes each

This podcast is unique and covers a broad spectrum of topics from fear to gratitude. The host, who himself used to suffer from anxiety and panic attacks, shares the experiences of his life– how he put his anxiety and fear behind and motivates others to cope with various challenges.

Not only this, he interviews people who have similar stories to share and answers the audience’s questions. The interviews are raw and vulnerable and will help you get through a rough day.

There are over 400 episodes for you to explore and relate to.

2. For meditation: Meditation Minis

Available on: Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Google Podcasts

Hosted by: Chel Hamilton

Duration: less than 10 minutes each

If you don’t have much free time daily, this 5-Star rated podcast is perfect for you. It consists of short, guided audio meditations which help you relax, overcome negative thoughts, and boost your confidence.

In this podcast, Chel, a hypnotherapist, shares various meditation techniques, and all of them are absolutely free.

It aims to make you feel better and truly identify your emotions in a non-religious manner. There are over 500 episodes that will help you bring balance in life, soothe your mind, and improve your ability to focus.

3. For depression: The Hilarious World of Depression

Available on: Spotify, iTunes, Radio Public, and Stitcher

Hosted by: John Moe

Duration: 30-50 minutes each

Depression is a serious mental ailment that isolates people, and they forget to express themselves. It is very common yet stigmatized by society.

This podcast is a series of funny, frank, and moving conversations about clinical depression, between the host and some top comedians, like Maria Bamford, Paul F. Tompkins, Andy Richter, and Jen Kirkman, who has dealt with depression. It aims at breaking the stigma and allows you to feel better, gain some insights, and have a few laughs.

In the 98 episodes of the show, you will get to know what depression feels like so that you can reach out for help in time. In May 2020, a book of the same name was also released by John, featuring some of the interviews from the show.

4. For changing your outlook on life: The Happiness Lab

Available on: Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, and Radio Public

Hosted by: Dr. Laurie Santos

Duration: 30-50 minutes each

The Happiness Lab is considered the best feel-good podcast that can change your outlook on life. It is hosted by the Yale professor, Dr. Laurie, who shares with the audience the latest scientific research and surprising stories about what happiness is and what is its trustworthy source.

Laurie has changed the lives of thousands of people through her stories and altered how they think about happiness. She also teaches us self-compassion and how to process grief.

This podcast helps us feel and confront our emotions and realize that happiness is often found in the most unexpected places. There are about 50 episodes, including some special editions and bonus episodes. 

5. For trauma: The Trauma Therapist Project

Available on: iTunes and Spotify

Hosted by: Guy Macpherson

Duration: About 30 minutes each

With a Doctorate in clinical psychology, the host has put together resources and other information for future therapists and prepared this podcast.

The guests on this show are leading experts in the field of stress disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and other complex traumas, who share their experiences of exploring their fear and what they learned from their mistakes, and advise aspiring trauma therapists.

There are over 500 episodes that take you on a journey of mental health, disorders, trauma, and self-identity. 


These were some best mental health podcasts, which can be very helpful to you if you are on therapy or medication. We have tried to include those podcasts that cover a wide range of topics and aren’t too heavy to consume.

Don’t forget to comment about what else can we cover for all of you in our upcoming blogs!

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